Through this chapter, we will know important and interesting facts related to Jagdish Singh Khehar such as his personal information, education and career, achievements and honored awards and many more. Important facts related to Jagdish Singh Khehar given in this topic have been collected, which will help you in preparing for competitive exams.

Jagdish Singh Khehar Quick General Knowledge

NameJagdish Singh Khehar (Jagdish Singh Khehar)
Real nameJustice Jagdish Singh Khehar
Date of Birth28 August 195
Birth PlacePunjab (India)
Achievement2017 - First Sikh Chief Justice of India
Profession / Countrymale / Lawyer / India

Jagdish Singh Khehar - First Sikh Chief Justice of India (2017)

Justice JS Khehar is the 44th Chief Justice of India. He was sworn in as the Chief Justice on 04 January 2017 and held the post till 27 August 2017. Justice Khehar is the first Sikh Chief Justice of the country. 64-year-old Justice JS Khehar's full name is Jagdish Singh Khehar and people also know him because of his strict mood.

Jagdish Singh Khehar was born on 28 August 1952 in Punjab.

Jagdish Singh Khehar was sworn in as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on 04 January 2017. He is the first Chief Justice of the country to be appointed from the Sikh community. His tenure as the 44th Chief Justice of India was from 27 August 2017. In 1979, Jagdish Singh Khehar started his advocacy. During this period, he practiced in the Punjab-Haryana High Court Chandigarh, the Himachal Pradesh High Court and the Supreme Court. In 1992, he was appointed Additional Advocate General in Punjab.

Jagdish Singh Khehar became senior advocate in the year 1995. Judge Jagdish Singh Khehar and Judge K.K. s. Radhakrishnan's bench sent Sahara chairman Subrata Roy Sahara to Tihar Jail for not returning investors money. Do you know that he donates blood every three months, he has been doing this for the last 40 years. The Constitutional Bench headed by Justice Khehar rejected the Government's ambitious National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) Act.

Jagdish Singh Khehar FAQs:

Jagdish Singh Khehar is to be known as the First Sikh Chief Justice of India in 2017.

Jagdish Singh Khehar full name was Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
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  Post Category :  World Famous Judges