Through this chapter, we will know important and interesting facts related to Vanita Gupta such as his personal information, education and career, achievements and honored awards and many more. Important facts related to Vanita Gupta given in this topic have been collected, which will help you in preparing for competitive exams.

Vanita Gupta Quick General Knowledge

NameVanita Gupta (Vanita Gupta)
Date of Birth15 November 1974
Birth PlacePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Monther & Father NameKamal Varshney / Rajeev L Gupta
Achievement2017 - First female president of 'The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights'
Profession / CountryFemale / lawyer / America

Vanita Gupta - First female president of 'The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights' (2017)

Vanita Gupta is a civil rights lawyer and supreme lawyer of the American Civil Liberty Union. She is the first South Asian woman to be appointed to the post.

Vanita Gupta was born in 1974 in Philadelphia. It is from a rich family. His father's name is Rajiv L Gupta and mother's name is Kamal Varshney. His father is an Indian-American businessman and is the current president of Delphi Automotive and a former executive of Rohm & Haas, a manufacturer of specialty chemicals. He also has a brother named Rama.
Vinita Gupta earned a bachelor of arts ( B.A.) From Yale University. After which in 2001, J. D. Key New York University School received its law degree.

Vanita Gupta was the Deputy Assistant Attorney General and acting head of the Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice as of January 20, 2017. Her first case, while working for the LDF directly after law school, involved 40 African Americans and six white or Latino people who were convicted on drug dealing charges. In almost every case, the only evidence was the testimony of an undercover agent, Tom Coleman. Gupta won the release of his clients four years after going to prison in 2003, then negotiated a $ 6 million settlement for those arrested. In August 2017, director Seth Gordon announced that he would be directing a film titled Tulia. In 2007, after becoming a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, Gupta filed a lawsuit that was later settled with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency on terms of detention for asylum seekers.

In August 2007, the ACLU and the U.S. under the Don Heto Detection Center A landmark agreement between the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The situation improved and many children of the center were left. On 6 August 2009, the Department of Homeland Security announced its intention to reform the country's immigration detention system. Following his time as a staff attorney at ACLU, he served as deputy legal director and director of its Center for Justice. He has been credited with joining ACLU's national campaign in the & Mass Incorporation. Gupta announced the division of his civil investigation into the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) in August 2016.

Vanita Gupta FAQs:

Vanita Gupta is to be known as the First female president of 'The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights' in 2017.

Vanita Gupta father name was Rajeev L Gupta.

Vanita Gupta mother name was Kamal Varshney.

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