History of Gupta Dynasty, Names of Rulers and Important Facts

Gupta Dynasty:The Gupta dynasty or the Gupta dynasty was one of the major dynasties of ancient India. It is considered a golden age of India. Political unity was not established in India for long after the fall of Maurya dynasty. The Kushanas and the Satavahanas tried to bring about political unity.

After the post-Mauryan period, the third century AD. Three dynasties emerged in the year, in which the Naga Shakti in central India, the Bakataka in the south and the Gupta dynasty in the east are prominent. The Gupta dynasty is credited with restoring the political unity that was destroyed after the fall of the Maurya dynasty.

History of Gupta Dynasties:

The Gupta dynasty came into existence around 275 AD. It was founded by Shrigupta. This dynasty remained in rule till about 510 AD. Initially, their rule was only on Magadha, but later the kings of the Gupta dynasty subjugated the whole of North India and accepted their subordination to the king of Kanjeevaram in the south. The foundation of the Gupta Empire occurred in the fourth decade of the third century and its rise in the beginning of the fourth century.

The initial state of the Gupta dynasty was in modern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. There were many majestic kings in this dynasty. Kalidasa's patron Emperor Chandragupta II (380-413 AD) belonged to this dynasty. Also read: Major Dynasties of Indian History, Capitals and Their Founders The contribution of this period in the field of literature and culture is still reveredly remembered today. Kalidas is the gift of this era. The present form of Amarakosh, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Manusmriti and many Puranas is the achievement of this period.

Rulers and Rulers of the Gupta Dynasty:

Name of the rulers of Gupta dynasty Reign period
Srigupta 240-280 AD
Ghatotkach 280-319 AD
Chandragupta I 319-335 AD
Samudragupta 335-375 AD
Ramgupta 375 AD
Chandragupta II 380-413 AD.
Kumaragupta I Mahendraditya 415-454 AD
Skandagupta 455-467 AD
Narasimhagupta Baladitya 467-473 AD
Kumaragupta II 473-476 AD
Buddhagupta 476-495 AD

Gupta Rulers of Indian History and their Records:

The republican polity collapsed during the time of the Gupta emperors. The Gupta administration was based on the monarchical system. The doctrine of divinity was prevalent among the Gupta rulers. Rajpada was based on the hereditary principle. The king declared his eldest son as the Prince. At the time of his heyday, the Gupta Empire extended from the Himalayas in the north to the Vinghya Parvat in the south and from the Bay of Bengal in the east to Saurashtra in the west.

List of Gupta rulers of Indian history and their inscriptions:

Name of ruler Related records
Samudragupta (335-375 AD) Prayag Prashasti, Eran Prashasti, Nalanda, Gaya Copper Rule inscriptions.
Chandragupta II (380-414 AD) Mathura pillar inscription, Udayagiri first and second cave inscription, first Garhwa inscription, Sanchi inscription, Mehrauli inscription.
Kumaragupta Mahendraditya (415-455 AD) Bilsad Pillar Inscription, Second Garhwa Inscription, Garhwa Third Inscription, Udayagiri Third Inscription, Dhandaih Inscription, Mathura Jain Idol Inscription, Tumain Inscription, Mandsaur Inscription, Karmdanda Lingalekh, Kulaikuri Copper inscription, Damodarpur I and II Copper inscription, Baigram copper inscription, Mankuvar Buddha statue inscription.
Skandagupta Junagadh Prashasti, Kahav pillar inscription, Supiya pillar inscription, Indore copper inscription, Bhitari pillar inscription.
Kumaragupta II Sarnath Buddhamurti Articles.
Purugupta Bihar column article.
Buddhagupta Sarnath Buddha statue inscription, Pahadpur copper inscription, Rajghat (Varanasi), pillar inscription, Nandpur copper inscription.
Vainyagupta Gunaidhar (Tipra) Copperplate.
Bhanugupta Eran Pillar inscription.
Vishnugupta Fifth Damodargupta copper inscription.

Important Trivia Facts about Gupta Dynasty:

  • The Gupta dynasty was founded by Srigupta.
  • Sri Gupta had a temple built at Mrig Shikhatan in Magadha.
  • Shri Gupta had acquired the title of Maharaj.
  • Mr. Gupta had made Dhottkacha his successor.
  • Dhatotkacha had placed Chandragupta I on the throne as his successor.
  • Chandragupta I was the greatest emperor of the Gupta dynasty.
  • He assumed the title of Maharajadhiraj.
  • Chandragupta I married Kumardevi, a daughter of the Lacchavi clan.
  • Chandragupta I placed his son Samudragupta on the throne as his successor and took his retirement.
  • Samudragupta ascended the throne in 335 CE.
  • Samudragupta was a worshiper of Vishnu.
  • Samudragupta assumed the title of Ashwamedhakarta.
  • Samudragupta was a great lover of music.
  • In Gupta coins, Samudragupta is shown playing the veena.
  • King Meghavarman of Sri Lanka sent some gifts and asked Samudragupta for permission to build a Buddhist temple at Gaya.
  • In Indian history, Samudragupta is also called Napoleon of India.
  • Samudragupta is also known as Kaviraj.
  • Samudragupta ruled from 355 AD to 375 AD.
  • After Samudragupta, Ramgupta sat on the throne.
  • Ramgupta was assassinated by Chandragupta II.
  • Chandragupta II ascended the throne in 380 AD.
  • Chandragupta II also assumed the title of Vikramaditya.
  • Chandragupta II was also called Shakari for conquering the Shakas.
  • Chandragupta II issued special silver coins to commemorate the defeat of the Shakas.
  • Chandragupta II merged the Vakataka kingdom with his kingdom and made Ujjain his capital.
  • Kalidasa, Aryabhatta, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, Dhanvantari, and the Navaratnas of Chandragupta II's court. Amar Singh etc.
  • The Chinese traveler Fahien came to India during the reign of Chandragupta.
  • Chandragupta II ruled from 380 AD to 413 AD.
  • Kumar Gupta was sitting on the throne after Chandragupta.
  • Kalidasa was the greatest Sanskrit poet during the reign of Chandragupta II.
  • The Ayurvedacharya who lived in the court of Chandragupta II was Dhanvantari.
  • Kumaragupta was the founder of Nalanda University.
  • Skandagupta ascended the throne after Kumaragupta.
  • Skandagupta assumed the title of Vikramaditya.
  • It was during the period of Skanda Gupta that the Huns had an invasion of India.
  • The last great emperor of the Gupta dynasty was Skandagupta.
  • The last ruler of the Gupta period was Bhanu Gupta.
  • In the Gupta period, the kingship was based on the hereditary principle.
  • The Gupta emperor Nyan was the head of the army and civil department.
  • The largest territorial unit in the Gupta period was the country. Whose ruler was called Goja.
  • In the Gupta period, the ordinary employees of the police department were called chaat and bhaat.
  • Ujjain city was the most important trading place during the Gupta period.
  • The inscriptions of gold coins in the Gupta period are called dinars.
  • The conception of the Ardhanarishvar form of Shiva and Shiva and. The sculptures of the hill were built together in the Gupta period.
  • The worship of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh started in the Gupta period under Trimurti Puja.
  • The art of temple building was born in the Gupta period.
  • The one-faced and four-faced Shivling of Lord Shiva was constructed in the Gupta period.
  • The paintings in the Ajanta caves are the contribution of the Gupta period.
  • Out of the total 29 caves built in Ajanta, only 6 caves are left at present.
  • Cave numbers 16 and 17 built at Ajanta belong to the Gupta period.
  • Women who practiced prostitution in the Gupta period were called ganikas.
  • Garuna, the vehicle of Vishnu, was the emblem of the Gupta period.
  • In the Gupta period silver coins were called rupyaka.
  • There were eighteen types of taxes in the Gupta period.
  • The Gupta period is called the golden period of Indian history.

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Gupta Dynasty FAQs:

The Gupta dynasty was a Hindu kingdom of India. Who ruled almost the entire Indian subcontinent. This period is considered by historians as the Golden Age of India.

The official language of the Gupta rulers was Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a North Indian language that was prevalent in the Gupta Empire. Sanskrit played an important role in the fields of education, culture, religion and literature in the Gupta Empire.

That king of the Gupta dynasty was Skandagupta Vikramaditya who stopped the Hunas from invading India. He has an important contribution in defeating the Hunas and in making India back a Chakraborty kingdom.

After Chandragupta Maurya, his son Bindusara sat on the Mauryan throne. He was the eldest son of Chandragupta Maurya and retained his father's capital at Pataliputra (present-day Delhi) as an vassal.

The silver coins of the Gupta period were called "Rupaks". The image of the moon was inscribed on these coins, due to which they were also called "Rupak". These coins were the currency prevalent during the Gupta Empire and were considered as symbols of Lunar Science.

  Last update :  Fri 30 Sep 2022
  Post Views :  18346
  Post Category :  Ancient Dynasties of India