List of state flowers of Indian states:

Here's an introduction to the state flowers of 28 Indian states including the national flower of India. Rest of the States and all the Union Territories have not yet declared their State Flowers. There are 17 such flowers in India, including the national flower lotus, which have received state honors. Lotus has the distinction of being the national flower as well as being the state flower of Orissa, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir and Haryana. Along with this there are three such flowers, which have been considered by two states as their state flower.

These flowers are Lady Slipper Orchid, Brahmakamal and Buransh. Lady slipper orchid is the state flower of Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya, Brahmakamal of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand and Buransh of Nagaland and Himachal Pradesh. Among them, Brahmakamal, the state flower of Uttar Pradesh and Brahmakamal, the state flower of Uttarakhand, are both the same flower. Similarly, Buransh, the state flower of Nagaland and Buransh, the state flower of Himachal Pradesh, are the same.

But Lady Slipper Orchid, the state flower of Arunachal Pradesh and Lady Slipper Orchid, the state flower of Meghalaya, are two different flowers. The scientific name of Lady Slipper Orchid, the state flower of Arunachal Pradesh is Pafiopedilum farianum and the scientific name of Lady Slipper Orchid, the state flower of Meghalaya is Pafiopadilum insigne. Both these flowers belong to the same lineage, but many differences are found in both.

Flowers of India: Flowers are used by humans for decoration and medicine. Apart from this, they are also used extensively in decorating homes and offices. Flower cultivation has been done in India for a long time, but the production of flowers as an economically profitable business has started only in the last few years. Due to the increasing production of contemporary flowers like rose, lotus gladiolus, tuberose, carnation, etc., their use in making bouquets and gifts has increased considerably.

Due to the improvement in the standard of living and economic prosperity of the middle class, it has contributed significantly to the development of flower market and has given floriculture the form of a huge market. India has made remarkable progress in flower production. Floriculture is done on about 1.14 lakh hectares of land in the country. The country produces 6,70,000 metric tonnes of flowers besides 13,009.3 million cut flowers.

List of state flowers of India:

Names of indian states State flower name Scientific name of flower

Nilkamal (water lily) Nymphaeaceae
Andra Pradesh Neelkamal is a type of lotus whose flowers are blue in color. It is a plant native to the southern and eastern parts of Asia and is the national flower of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Sometimes the blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) found in Egypt is also considered under this species.

Draupadi Mala (Foxtail Orchid) Rhynchostylis retusa
Arunachal Pradesh Rhinocostyllis is a genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae), closely related to the genus Vanda (from which it differs in the one-legged lip of the flower). The flowers are borne in dense racemes and for their intense, spicy scent. are famous. Although lacking in pseudobulbs, the plants have leathery leaves that are drought resistant.

Draupadi Mala (Foxtail Orchid) Rhynchostylis retusa
Assam Rhinocostyllis is a genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae), closely related to the genus Vanda (from which it differs in the one-legged lip of the flower). The flowers are borne in dense racemes and for their intense, spicy scent. are famous. Although lacking in pseudobulbs, the plants have leathery leaves that are drought resistant.

Orchid Tree Bauhinia acuminata (Bauhinia variegata)
Bihar Kachnar is a beautiful flowering tree. Small or medium height trees of Kachnar are everywhere in India. This name is given to two species of similar, but slightly different, Bauhinia species within the Leguminosae family and the Caesalpinioideae subfamily, which are called Bauhinia variegata and Bauhinia purpurea.

Lady's Slipper Orchidaceae
Chattisgarh Cypripedioideae is a subfamily of orchids commonly known as ladies sleeper orchids, lady sleeper orchids or slipper orchids. Most species have rhizomes and fibrous roots.

Red Jasmine Plumeria rubra
Goa Plumeria rubra is a deciduous plant species belonging to the genus Plumeria. Originally native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, it has been widely cultivated worldwide in subtropical and tropical climates.

African Marigold Tagetes erecta
Gujarat Tagetes erecta, the Mexican marigold or Aztec marigold, is a species of Tagetes native to Mexico. Despite being native to the Americas, it is often called the African marigold. In Mexico, this plant is found in the wild in Mexico, Michoacán, Puebla and Veracruz.

Lotus Nelumbo Nucifera
Haryana Nelumbo nucifera, also known as the Indian lotus, sacred lotus or simply lotus, is one of two extinct species of aquatic plant in the family Nelumboneaceae. It is often colloquially called a water lily.

Burans or Burunsh (Pink rhododendron) Rhododendron
Himachal Pradesh Burans or Burunsh (Rhododendron / Rhododendron) is a tree with beautiful flowers. The Burans tree is the state tree of Uttarakhand, and in Nepal, the Burans flower has been declared the national flower. In the summer, the hills are filled with the dry flowers of Burans blooming on the high hills. It is also grown in Himachal Pradesh.

Palash Butea monosperma
Jharkhand Palash (Palas, Chul, Parsa, Dhak, Tesu, Kinshuk, Kesu) is a tree whose flowers are very attractive. It is also called "forest fire" because of its attractive flowers. Palash flower is the state flower of Uttar Pradesh and it has been honored by 'Indian Postal Department' by publishing it on a postage stamp. Since ancient times the colors of Holi have been prepared from its flowers.

Lotus Nelumbian nucifera
Karnataka Lotus is a plant of the plant world in which big and beautiful flowers bloom. It is the national flower of India. Its names in Sanskrit are - Kamal, Padma, Pankaj, Pankaruh, Sarsij, Saroj, Saroruh, Sarsiruh, Jalaj, Jaljaat, Neeraj, Varij, Ambhoruh, Ambuj, Ambhoja, Abja, Aravind, Nalin, Utpal, Pundarik, Tamaras, Indivar, Kuvalay, Vanaj etc. The lotus plant (Kamalini, Nalini, Padmini) grows in water and is found in all the tropical parts of India and from Iran to Australia.

Amaltas (Golden shower tree) Cassia fistula
Kerala Amaltas are called Vyadhighat in Sanskrit, Nripradrum, Argvadha, Karnikar etc., Bahava in Marathi, Karnikar in Gujarati, Garmashto, Sonalu in Bengali and Cassia fistula in Latin. According to Shabdsagar, the Hindi word amaltas is derived from the Sanskrit acid (sour). In Ayurveda, all parts of this tree are used for medicine. It is said that its leaves loosen the stool and remove phlegm. Flowers destroy phlegm and pitta.

Palash Butea monosperma
Madhya Pradesh Palash (Palas, Chul, Parsa, Dhak, Tesu, Kinshuk, Kesu) is a tree whose flowers are very attractive. It is also called "forest fire" because of its attractive flowers. Palash flower is the state flower of Uttar Pradesh and it has been honored by 'Indian Postal Department' by publishing it on a postage stamp. Since ancient times the colors of Holi have been prepared from its flowers.

Jarul Lagerstroemia speciosa
Maharashtra Jarul is a type of flower found in India and South Asia. The genus Lagrostemia was first described by Carl Linnaeus.

Siroi lily Siroy Lilium
Manipur Lilium meckellinia, the Shirui lily or Shirui lily, is a rare Indian species of plant, found only in the upper reaches of the Shirui hill ranges in the Ukhrul district of Manipur, India.

Lady's Slipper Orchidaceae
Meghalaya Cypripedioideae is a subfamily of orchids commonly known as ladies sleeper orchids, lady sleeper orchids or slipper orchids. Most species have rhizomes and fibrous roots.

Red Vanda Renanthera inschutina
Mizoram Reinthera eschutiana, also known as the Red Wanda, is a species of orchid widespread from the eastern Himalayas to China (south-eastern Yunnan) and Vietnam.

Burans or Burunsh (Pink rhododendron) Rhododendron
Nagaland Burans or Burunsh (Rhododendron / Rhododendron) is a tree with beautiful flowers. The Burans tree is the state tree of Uttarakhand, and in Nepal, the Burans flower has been declared the national flower. In the summer, the hills are filled with the dry flowers of Burans blooming on the high hills. It is also grown in Himachal Pradesh.

Ashoka Tree Saraca Indica
Odisha Ashoka is called Aspal in Bengali, Ashoka in Marathi, Asopalav and native yellow flowers in Gujarati, Hogash in Sinhalese and Jonasia Ashoka or Saraca Indica in Latin. Ashoka tree is 28 to 30 feet high.

Gladiolus Gladiolus grandiflorus
Punjab Gladiolus is a genus of perennial coniferous flowering plants in the iris family (Iridaceae). It is sometimes called the 'sword lily', but is more commonly called by its common name (plural gladioli).

Rohera (Rohira) Tecomella
Rajasthan Rohida or Tecomela undulata is the state flower of Rajasthan (declared in 1983). It is mainly found in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan and Pakistan. Rohida tree is the main source of timber in Shekhawati and Marwar region of Rajasthan. It is also known as Marwar teak. Found in arid and semi-arid regions, this tree is of deciduous type. This tree is very useful for the stabilization of sand dunes.

Noble orchid Cymbidium goeringii
Sikkim It is found in temperate locations in East Asia, including Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea. This type of sample was collected in Japan.

Curry lily Gloriosa superba
Tamil Nadu The curry green is one of 12 species in the Colchicaceae. It is found from tropical and southern Africa to Asia, and is also widely cultivated. The most common English names are flame lily, fire lily, gloriosa lily, glory lily, brilliant lily, climbing lily and creeping lily.

Ranawara Senna auriculata
Telangana Senna aviculata is a fruit tree in the subfamily Casalpinioidea. It is commonly known by its local names Matura tea tree, Avram or Rainwara, or the English variant Avram Sena. It is the state flower of Telangana. It occurs in arid regions of India and Sri Lanka. It is common along the coastline and arid region in Sri Lanka.

Nag Kesar Mesua ferrea
Tripura Nagkesar or Nagchampa is an upright evergreen tree which is very beautiful to look at. It is produced from bipedal grapes. Its leaves are very thin and dense, which gives a very good shade under it. In this, large and white flowers of four parties are found in summer, which have a very good smell.

Palash Butea monosperma
Uttar Pradesh Palash (Palas, Chul, Parsa, Dhak, Tesu, Kinshuk, Kesu) is a tree whose flowers are very attractive. It is also called "forest fire" because of its attractive flowers. Palash flower is the state flower of Uttar Pradesh and it has been honored by 'Indian Postal Department' by publishing it on a postage stamp. Since ancient times the colors of Holi have been prepared from its flowers.

Brahma Kamal Saussurea obvallata
Uttarakhand Brahma Kamal is a plant of Asteraceae family. Sunflower, marigold, dahlia, safflower and Bhringraj are other important plants of this family. Epiphyllum oxypetalum is also called 'Brahma Kamal' in India. It blooms in the Himalayas. At present, 1 picture of it has been released by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police. It blooms in 14 years. It opens only at night and closes in the morning.

Prajakta (Shephali) Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
West Bengal Prajakta is a flowering tree. It is also known by other names like Harsingar, Shefali, Shiuli etc. Its tree is 10 to 15 feet high.[1] Its botanical name is 'Nyctanthes arbortristis'. Beautiful and fragrant flowers are found on Parijat. Its flowers, leaves and bark are used as medicine. It is produced all over India. It is the state flower of West Bengal.

Union Territory

Andaman Pyinma Lagerstroemia hypoleuca
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Jarul is a type of flower found in India and South Asia.

Palash Butea monosperma
Chandigarh Palash (Palas, Chul, Parsa, Dhak, Tesu, Kinshuk, Kesu) is a tree whose flowers are very attractive. It is also called "forest fire" because of its attractive flowers. Palash flower is the state flower of Uttar Pradesh and it has been honored by 'Indian Postal Department' by publishing it on a postage stamp. Since ancient times the colors of Holi have been prepared from its flowers.
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Not yet named

Rizka or Alfalfa Medicago sativa
Delhi Rizka or alfalfa is a flowering plant of the pea family Fabaceae that is cultivated as an important fodder crop. Known as Lucerne in the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand and as Lucerne grass in South Asia. It looks like a clover and bears small purple flowers.

Common rhododendron Rhododendron Ponticum
Jammu and Kashmir Rhododendron ponticum, also called common rhododendron or Pontic rhododendron, is a species of rhododendron native to the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe and the Caucasus region in northwestern Asia.
Ladakh Not yet named

Neelakurinji Strobilanthes kunthiana
Lakshadweep Neelakurinji or Kurinji is a plant that grows abundantly in the Shola grasslands above 1800 m in the Western Ghats of South India. The Nilgiri Mountains got its name because of being covered with these blue Kuranji flowers. This plant flowers only once in 12 years. From this the Palian people estimate the age of this plant.

Cannonball tree flower Couroupita guianensis
Puducherry Kaurupita guianensis, known by a variety of common names including cannonball tree, is a deciduous tree in the flowering plant family Lecithadaceae. It is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America, and is cultivated in many other tropical regions around the world because of its beautiful, fragrant flowers and large, interesting fruits. The fruits are brown in colour.

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