Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Mumbai Trans Harbor Link (MTHL), the longest sea bridge in the country on 12 January 2024. The sea bridge, named Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sevari-Navwa Sheva Atal Setu, connects South Mumbai to Navi Mumbai and will reduce the current two-hour journey to about 15-20 minutes.
Sea bridge cost
The 21.8 km long bridge is built at a cost of more than Rs 17,840 crore. The foundation stone of this bridge was laid by PM Modi in December 2016 and it has been constructed in the last seven years.
Bridge connectivity
The bridge will increase connectivity for both Mumbai International Airport and Navi Mumbai International Airport, which will reduce the travel time from Mumbai to Pune, Goa and South India. Additionally, it will improve connectivity between Mumbai port and Jawaharlal Nehru port.
The MTHL will be a six -lane maritime link, which will expand 16.50 km in the sea and 5.50 km on the ground. Motorbikes, autorickshaws and tractors will not be allowed on the sea bridge, while four wheelers will have to maintain a speed limit of 100 kmph.