Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Khelo India Youth Games 2023 at the inaugural ceremony held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. These games are being held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai from 19 to 31 January. The inaugural ceremony not only marked the beginning of the much-awaited sporting event, but also inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of important projects worth approximately Rs 250 crore in the broadcasting sector. This is the first time that the Khelo India Youth Games are being held in South India. The games will be played in four cities of Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Madurai, Trichy and Coimbatore.
Highlights of Khelo India Youth Games celebrations
The highlight of the ceremony was the lighting of the Games Torch, marking the official opening of the Khelo India Youth Games. The torch was handed over by two athletes and placed on the cauldron, marking the beginning of an exciting sporting event.
South India's first Khelo India experience
This year's Khelo India Youth Games holds historical significance as it is the first time that the event is being hosted in South India. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai was the venue for the inaugural ceremony. The games will be held from 19 to 31 January 2024 across four cities in Tamil Nadu – Chennai, Madurai, Trichy and Coimbatore, which will entertain the spectators.
Players participating in Khelo India Youth Games 2023
Over 5600 players will participate in this edition of the Khelo India Youth Games, which will span 13 days across 15 venues, featuring 26 sports disciplines, over 275 competitive events and 1 demo game. The 26 sports disciplines are a diverse mix of traditional games like football, volleyball, badminton etc. and traditional games like Kalaripayattu, Gatka, Thang Ta, Kabaddi and Yogasana. Silambam, the traditional game of Tamil Nadu, is being introduced as a demo game for the first time in the history of Khelo India Youth Games.
Projects worth Rs 250 crore launched
During the inauguration ceremony, the Prime Minister also inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of projects worth about Rs 250 crore related to the broadcasting sector. These include the launch of DD Podhigai channel, renamed as DD Tamil; 12 Akashvani FM projects in 8 states; And consists of 4 DD transmitters in Jammu and Kashmir. Apart from this, the Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone of 26 new FM transmitter projects in 12 states.
What is Khelo India Youth Games?
Khelo India Youth Games (KIYG), are annual national level multidisciplinary grassroots games in India held in January or February for two categories, namely school students under 17 years of age and college students under 21 years of age. Are organized for. The best 1,000 children every year will be given an annual scholarship of ₹5 lakh (US$6,300) for 8 years to prepare them for international sporting events.