Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Ram Temple in Ayodhya on 22 January 2024 which is an important day in the history of India. The inauguration included the 'Pran Pratishtha' (installation) ceremony of the idol of Ram Lalla, an important event that symbolizes the infusion of life into the idol. The event, which was attended by over 7,000 dignitaries, was not only a religious ceremony but also a cultural milestone for India.
Ayodhya Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha
The consecration of the idol of Shri Ram was done on 22 January 2024 at 12:29 pm in the auspicious time of 90 minutes. In which Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the chief guest. Earlier, various programs had started from January 15 (Makar Sankranti). School holidays have been declared on 22 January in many states. Narendra Modi has called upon people to light lamps at their homes on 22 January. Many well-known actors of the cinema world including Modi and a total of 6000 VVIPs participated in the program.
Statue of Ram Ji
The Ram Lalla idol, crafted by renowned sculptor Arun Yogiraj of Karnataka, is a 51-inch black-coloured image of Lord Rama as a five-year-old child. It was installed inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple as part of the initiation rituals on January 18.
Information about Ram temple
Ram Temple is an important Hindu temple currently under construction in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India. This temple is situated at the place which is considered to be the birthplace of Ram, the main deity of Hindus. Earlier, the site housed the Babri Masjid, which was constructed after demolishing an existing un-Islamic structure, which was later demolished. In 2019, the Supreme Court of India ruled on the disputed land, stating that the land belongs to Hindus and a Ram temple can be built on it. Bhoomipujan to start the construction of Ram temple was performed on 5 August 2020.
Temple Complex
The temple itself is an architectural marvel, measuring 380 feet in length, 250 feet in width and 161 feet in height, epitomizing the traditional Nagara style of architecture.