Find Hindi meaning of Abundant. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Abundant" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Abundant" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionhaving plenty of.
Hindi Meaning of Abundantप्रचुर, भरपूर, बहुल, अतिशय, का धनी, से परिपूर्ण
Synonyms of AbundantAmple, Generous, Heavy
Antonyms of AbundantRare, Tight, Scarce

Use of "Abundant" word in sentences, examples

  • Abundant silicon at the heart of cheaper renewable energy storage
  • Why Many Christians Never Taste the Abundant Life Jesus Promised
  • Oil slips below $52 as abundant supplies weigh
  • Solar Generation Projects Require Abundant Acreage
  • Abundant shark population off Cape surprises researchers
  • Opponent has abundant evidence to proof your involvement in this scam.
  • This Indian sweet cuisine is abundant with dry fruits.
  • Jharkhand state is an abundant land with natural resources.
  • India has achieved an abundant supply of food after launching green revolution in 1960s.
  • Rainfall is more abundant in summer and it turns the road into sewage.

Similar words of "Abundant"

Copiousअधिक, प्राचुत, बहुत, विपुल, ज्यादा, अत्यधिक
Exiguousअत्यल्प, अल्प, थोड़ा-सा, बहुत काम, अभाव, अपर्याप्त, नाम मात्र का, तंगहाली
Measlyअत्यल्प, नगण्य, बहुत काम मात्र में, तुच्छ, मामूली
Nugatoryनिरथर्क, बेकार, अर्थहीन, लघु, संकीर्ण, तुच्छ, नगण्य, मामूली, छोटा-मोटा
Voluminousबहुत बड़ा, घुमावदार, प्रचुर, भारी-भरकम, विस्तृण, विपुल, बहुत

Abundant FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Abundant is, प्रचुर, भरपूर, बहुल, अतिशय, का धनी, से परिपूर्ण.

Similar words for Abundant are Ample, Generous, Heavy.

The Definition of Abundant is having plenty of..

Rare, Tight, Scarce, are antonyms of the Abundant word.

Abundant is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  9953
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning