Find Hindi meaning of Accessory. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Accessory" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Accessory" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona thing which can be added to something versatile
Hindi Meaning of Accessoryअतिरिक्त, गौण, सहायक, अप्रधान, आगन्तुक, बाहरी, उपांग, उपसाधन
Synonyms of AccessoryAncillary, Assistant, Auxiliary
Antonyms of AccessoryPrincipal, Unsupportive, Main

Use of "Accessory" word in sentences, examples

  • Birdie Accessory Lets You Toss Your GoPro Into The Air
  • Apple sues accessory makers for selling counterfeits
  • Woman charged with accessory in shooting
  • BMW has been trying to make the BMW M Performanceaccessory range as popular as possible.
  •  Innovation Zed has developed a new accessory for insulin pens designed to make insulin management more flexible.

Similar words of "Accessory"

Accompliceसहायक, अपराधी का साथी, सह-अपराधी, अभिषंगी
Supplementअतिरिक्त, अनुपूरक, न्यूनतापूर्ण, परिपूरक, परिशिष्ट, जोड़ना, भरना, मिलना, पूर्ति करना, वृद्धि करना

Accessory FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Accessory is, अतिरिक्त, गौण, सहायक, अप्रधान, आगन्तुक, बाहरी, उपांग, उपसाधन.

Similar words for Accessory are Ancillary, Assistant, Auxiliary.

The Definition of Accessory is a thing which can be added to something versatile.

Principal, Unsupportive, Main, are antonyms of the Accessory word.

Accessory is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2176
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning