Find Hindi meaning of Animosity. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Animosity" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Animosity" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionstrong hostility.
Hindi Meaning of Animosityवैर-भाव, विद्वेष, दुश्मनी, मानस, आशय
Synonyms of AnimosityAcrimony, Antipathy, Malevolence
Antonyms of AnimosityCongeniality, Harmony, Benevolence

Use of "Animosity" word in sentences, examples

  • Two members of a family were allegedly murdered by four persons over a personalanimosity at a village near here.
  • We must do so because we need-and above all our respective leaderships need-to believe that animosity and adversity is not our destiny.
  • History itself has progressed and changed, but the way human beings spewanimosity and hate most certainly has not.
  • Luis Enrique believes Valencia fans making Paco Alcacer a target for animosity is a completely normal and unremarkable side effect of football.
  • After they settled their federal lawsuit earlier this year, all of their past animositywas tossed out the window.

Similar words of "Animosity"

Antagonismप्रतिरोध, बैर, लाग, विरोध, शत्रुता, दुश्मनी, झगड़ा
Enthrallमन्त्रमुग्ध करना, मोहित करना, प्रभावित करना, वशीभूत करना, अचेत करना, चेतनाशून्य बनाना
Grudgeईर्ष्या, अनिच्छा, दुश्मनी, शत्रुता, शिकायत, पुराना झगड़ा, अप्रसन्नता प्रकट करना
Rageक्रोध, गुस्सा, प्रकोप, उग्रता, उत्तेजना, कामना, शेष, लालसा, झुंझलाना, प्रचण्डता
Rancourअतिदेष, किना, द्रोह, लॉग, विदेष, अतिघृणा, चिढ़, क्षोभ, कटुता, दुष्ट भाव

Animosity FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Animosity is, वैर-भाव, विद्वेष, दुश्मनी, मानस, आशय.

Similar words for Animosity are Acrimony, Antipathy, Malevolence.

The Definition of Animosity is strong hostility..

Congeniality, Harmony, Benevolence, are antonyms of the Animosity word.

Animosity is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2773
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning