Find Hindi meaning of Annihilate. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Annihilate" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Annihilate" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeverb
Word Definitionestroy utterly
Hindi Meaning of Annihilateजड़ से मिटाना, अस्तित्व नष्ट करना, विनाश, सत्यानाश करना, नष्ट करना, खत्म करना, नुक्सान पहुँचाना
Synonyms of AnnihilateDestroy, Obliterate, Extinguish
Antonyms of AnnihilatePreserve, Revive, Save

Use of "Annihilate" word in sentences, examples

  • British military uses guided bomb to annihilate ISIS armed truck near Mosul.
  • Ben Roethlisberger throws five touchdowns, Steelers annihilate Chiefs
  • Conspiracies had been hatched to annihilate Awami League. 
  • You just need a handful of nukes to annihilate each other. And no one wins.
  • We keep giving candy and more candy and more candy to people who constantly want to annihilate us.

Similar words of "Annihilate"

Exterminateमिटा देना, सत्यानाश करना, निर्मूल करना, उखाड़ डालना, नष्ट कर देना
Extinguishबुझाना, समाप्त करना, मिटा देना, नष्ट करना, मंद पड़ जाना
Nullifyअमान्य घोषित करना, रद्द करना, निष्प्रभावी करना, प्रभावहीन करना, नाजायज करना, निरर्थक करना

Annihilate FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Annihilate is, जड़ से मिटाना, अस्तित्व नष्ट करना, विनाश, सत्यानाश करना, नष्ट करना, खत्म करना, नुक्सान पहुँचाना.

Similar words for Annihilate are Destroy, Obliterate, Extinguish.

The Definition of Annihilate is estroy utterly.

Preserve, Revive, Save, are antonyms of the Annihilate word.

Annihilate is a verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2384
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning