Find Hindi meaning of Apt. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Apt" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Apt" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionsuitable in the circumstances.
Hindi Meaning of Aptहाजिरजवाबी, उचित, उघत, उपयुक्त, ठीक, तत्पर, प्रवृत्त, प्रस्तुत योग्य, झुका हुआ
Synonyms of AptAppropriate, Betitting, Telicitous
Antonyms of AptImproper, Gauche, Maladroit

Use of "Apt" word in sentences, examples

  • It would be apt that Stalin is my successor because of his hard work, dedication and sense of purpose.
  • Woman fatally stabbed in N. Tulsa apartment; officials say apt appears 'ransacked'.
  • The first thing to do is update apt.
  • Beautiful Bianca sculpture an apt symbol for a city that is on the rise
  • Sania gives apt reply on being trolled for her 'World No.1 Tennis Player' tweet

Similar words of "Apt"

Felicitousपरम सुखी, सौभाग्यशाली, आनंदित, हर्षित, धन्य, प्रसन्न, भाग्यवान, मंगलमय

Apt FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Apt is, हाजिरजवाबी, उचित, उघत, उपयुक्त, ठीक, तत्पर, प्रवृत्त, प्रस्तुत योग्य, झुका हुआ.

Similar words for Apt are Appropriate, Betitting, Telicitous.

The Definition of Apt is suitable in the circumstances..

Improper, Gauche, Maladroit, are antonyms of the Apt word.

Apt is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4292
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning