Find Hindi meaning of Callous. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Callous" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Callous" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionshowing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
Hindi Meaning of Callousबेदर्द, संवेदनशील, निर्दयी, बरखा, कठिन, कठोर
Synonyms of CallousHardened, Heartless, Obdurate
Antonyms of CallousCompassionate, Sensitive, Sympathetic

Use of "Callous" word in sentences, examples

  • Defibrillators stolen by “callous” thieves replaced by rescue group
  • An 88-year-old grandmother has been mowed down and killed by a callous hit-and-run driver. 
  • The comments made by John Mara, owner of the New York Giants, were insensitive, dismissive and callous.
  • Police are hunting a callous hit-and-run driver who mowed down and killed a granny as she crossed a busy road.
  • This clearly shows callous disregard both for gazetted law and for public opinion.

Similar words of "Callous"

Genteelउबाऊ, कुलीन, बनावटी, ललित, शिष्ट, सभ्य, भद्र, विन्रम, सुशिष्ट
Obdurateढीठ, दुराग्रही, हठी, जिद्दी, हठकारिता, अपश्चाताप, अटल, कठोर
Remorsefulपश्चाताप, अनुताप, मॉयथित, दुःखी, विषादमय, उदास, निराश, दयनीय
Sympatheticदयालू, संवेदी, समदुःखी, सहानुभूति, अनुकम्पी, आसानी से पसन्द आने वाला

Callous FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Callous is, बेदर्द, संवेदनशील, निर्दयी, बरखा, कठिन, कठोर.

Similar words for Callous are Hardened, Heartless, Obdurate.

The Definition of Callous is showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.

Compassionate, Sensitive, Sympathetic, are antonyms of the Callous word.

Callous is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4597
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning