Find Hindi meaning of Cease. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Cease" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Cease" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitioncome or bring to an end.
Hindi Meaning of Ceaseस्थगन, अंत होना, छोड़ना, ठहरना, रुकना, समाप्त करना, बाधित होना
Synonyms of CeaseCheck, Discontinue, Halt
Antonyms of CeaseCommence, Continue, Initiate

Use of "Cease" word in sentences, examples

  • Gulfstream announced Friday its plans to cease production of the G450 as the company prepares to launch the highly anticipated G500.
  • Duronto lunch service hit as staff cease work
  • Melbourne Victory active support group North Terrace has announced they will “cease the co-ordination of organised support indefinitely”.
  • Colwyn Bay care home latest to cease business
  • Russia sets brief cease-fire for Aleppo as strikes kill 36

Similar words of "Cease"

Commenceप्रारम्भ करना, शुरू करना, आरम्भ करना शुरुआत करना, अनुष्ठान करना, चालू करना
Expediteशीघ्र निबटाना, भेजना, जल्दी करना, उत्तेजित करना, उत्साहित करना, जल्दबाजी करना
Perpetuateबनाए रखना, अविरत बनाना, स्थिर रखना, पूर्ववत रखना, सुरक्षित रखना
Persistलगे रहना, डटे रहना, हठ करना, कायम रहना, अडिग, सहन करना टिकना
Stallछोटा कमरा, विलम्ब करना, टालमटोल करना, विलम्ब करना, कार्य बाधित करना, भंग करना, टालना

Cease FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Cease is, स्थगन, अंत होना, छोड़ना, ठहरना, रुकना, समाप्त करना, बाधित होना .

Similar words for Cease are Check, Discontinue, Halt.

The Definition of Cease is come or bring to an end..

Commence, Continue, Initiate, are antonyms of the Cease word.

Cease is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5099
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning