Find Hindi meaning of Certainty. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Certainty" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Certainty" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionfirm conviction that something is the case.
Hindi Meaning of Certaintyआवश्यंभाविता, द्र्णप्रमाणत्व, निश्चय, निश्चितता, यथार्थता
Synonyms of CertaintyAssurance, Confidence, Conviction
Antonyms of CertaintyAmbiguity, Doubt, Uncertainty

Use of "Certainty" word in sentences, examples

  • Taylor Lewan's touchdown catch for Titans was no certainty
  • Dion Prestia is no certainty to play for Richmond next season with the clubs at odds over his trade worth.
  • University graduates juggle jobs of varying certainty
  • Minister must deliver certainty and fairness
  • Philippine military says no certaintywar games with U.S. will end. 

Similar words of "Certainty"

Assuranceआश्वासन, विश्वास, भरोसा, निश्चय, प्रत्याभुर्ति, आत्मविश्वास, बीमा
Conundrumपहेली, समस्या, गुण प्रश्न, पेंचदार बात, राज, रहस्य, गोपनीय तथ्य
Delusionआभास, कपट, झांसा, धोखा, भरम, भ्रान्ति, माया, माटी-भरम, मिथ्या, मरीचिका
Fibझूठ, बहाना, अफवाह, काल्पनिक, तथ्य, चल
Quandaryव्याकुलता, शंका, हैरानी, असमंजस, उलझन, कश्मकश, दुविधा, भ्रान्ति, विकल्प
Serendipityआकस्मिक लाभ, वरदान, कृपा, भाग्यशाली, ऐश्वर्य, नियति, नसीब

Certainty FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Certainty is, आवश्यंभाविता, द्र्णप्रमाणत्व, निश्चय, निश्चितता, यथार्थता.

Similar words for Certainty are Assurance, Confidence, Conviction.

The Definition of Certainty is firm conviction that something is the case..

Ambiguity, Doubt, Uncertainty, are antonyms of the Certainty word.

Certainty is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3358
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning