Find Hindi meaning of Insignificant. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Insignificant" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Insignificant" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word DefinitionVery Expensive or meaningless
Hindi Meaning of Insignificantछोटा, तुच्छ, नगण्य, निरर्थक, मामूली, लघु, क्षुद्र
Synonyms of InsignificantTrivial, Inconsequent, Inconsiderable
Antonyms of InsignificantSignificant, Substantial, Valuable

Use of "Insignificant" word in sentences, examples

  • Fortunately, we have had some reduction over the period but it is woefully insignificant.
  • Facebook Inc told a Senate panel that it has detected “only what appears to be insignificant overlap
  • He is insignificant to me
  • I think when the facts are out here, this will turn out to be a very, very small and insignificant thing
  • Dragon Productions Theatre Company's production of “Insignificance” portends importance

Similar words of "Insignificant"

Eloquentसुवक्ता, भावपूर्वक, वाकपटु, बहुत बोलने वाला, मन हरण, वाग्मी, शब्द चतुर
Enormousअत्यधिक, प्रचुर, बड़ा, बहुत, विपुल, अथाह, विशाल, बहुत अधिक, विराट, जबरदस्त
Inconsequentialनगण्य, महत्त्वहीन, बिकार, अप्रासंगिक, अत्यल्प, मामूली बहुत थोड़ा
Momentousमहत्वपूर्ण महान, जरुरी, बड़ा भरी, गुरुत्वपूर्ण, आवश्यक, भावी
Nonentityतुच्छ व्यक्ति, नगण्य, निकम्मी, चीज, बेकार की चीज, मामूली
Notableस्मरणीय, उल्लेखनीय, ख्यातिप्राप्त, प्रशिद्ध, मशहूर, महत्वपूर्ण, विशिष्ट
Remarkableअनूठा, अपूर्व, उत्कृष्ट, विलक्षण, विचारणीय
Substantialठोस, धनवान, धनी, मजबूत, मूल, वास्तविक, शारीरिक, संतोष जनक
Tremendousअतिवर्हत, अदभुत, आश्चर्यजनक, डरावना, भयंकर, जबरदस्त, अति, दारुण
Trivialछोटा, तुच्छ, नगण्य, मामूली, साधारण, हल्का, मध्यम, क्षुद्र, घिसा-पिटा
Vitalमर्मस्थान, मर्मस्थल, जैव, जीव-सम्बन्धी, प्राणाधार, अत्यावश्यक, अनिवर्य, सक्रिय, तेजस्वी, सजीव

Insignificant FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Insignificant is, छोटा, तुच्छ, नगण्य, निरर्थक, मामूली, लघु, क्षुद्र.

Similar words for Insignificant are Trivial, Inconsequent, Inconsiderable.

The Definition of Insignificant is Very Expensive or meaningless.

Significant, Substantial, Valuable, are antonyms of the Insignificant word.

Insignificant is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4175
  Post Category :  I Letter Words and Meaning