Find Hindi meaning of Insolent. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Insolent" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Insolent" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionshowing someone's bad manners or rudeness
Hindi Meaning of Insolentउघत गुस्ताख़, अक्खड़, दम्भी, ढीठ, नटखट, मुँहफट, जिन्दादिल
Synonyms of InsolentHaughty, Overbearing, Supercilious
Antonyms of InsolentModest, Servile, Humble

Use of "Insolent" word in sentences, examples

  • A source from MBC's “Insolent Housemates” confirmed that Jinyoung, P.O, and Han Hye Yeon will be joining the show as new members.
  • It's a victory of law-abiding artists over insolent developers.
  • Beware of an insolent person who is destructive.
  • You see the kind of insolent language Americans are using with Russia
  • Prime Minister's visit as a reflection of myopic vision of an insolent political party and its leaders. 

Similar words of "Insolent"

Haughtyअहंकारी, गुस्ताख़, घमंडी, ढीट, ध्रष्ट, अभिमानी, दम्भी
Obedientआज्ञाकारी, विनर्म, सहज, नम्य
Overbeatingअहंकारी, उघत, घमण्डी, ढीठ, दबंग, रौबीला, सत्तावादी, अधिकारवादी

Insolent FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Insolent is, उघत गुस्ताख़, अक्खड़, दम्भी, ढीठ, नटखट, मुँहफट, जिन्दादिल.

Similar words for Insolent are Haughty, Overbearing, Supercilious.

The Definition of Insolent is showing someone's bad manners or rudeness.

Modest, Servile, Humble, are antonyms of the Insolent word.

Insolent is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3594
  Post Category :  I Letter Words and Meaning