Find Hindi meaning of Lag. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Lag" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Lag" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona period of time between one event and another.
Hindi Meaning of Lagअंतराल, पिछड़ जाना, अंतिम, ढीला, मध्यम, मन्दा, पिछड़ना, धीरे चलना, परत चढ़ाना
Synonyms of LagDawdle, Drag, Linger
Antonyms of LagPush, Expedite, Hasten

Use of "Lag" word in sentences, examples

  • Within the brain, jet lag causes a disruption within a group of neurons which control the dream.
  • The lag is heavily apparent in several key moments
  • The Dakotas Tops for Fiscal Stability While Illinois, New Jersey Lag.
  • Lag and Sound issues following Valentine's event V.2.5.0 update.
  • Panchayat Wiki to ease lag.

Similar words of "Lag"

Dawdleसमय गँवाना, ठीके रहना, ठहरा रहना, सोच-विचार करना
Retardगति धीमी करना, प्रगति रोकना, धीमा होना, विलम्ब करना, टालना
Transcendचढ़ना, ऊँचा होना, श्रेष्ट होना, आगे जाना, सीमा पार करना, पार कर जाना, बढ़ जाना

Lag FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Lag is, अंतराल, पिछड़ जाना, अंतिम, ढीला, मध्यम, मन्दा, पिछड़ना, धीरे चलना, परत चढ़ाना.

Similar words for Lag are Dawdle, Drag, Linger.

The Definition of Lag is a period of time between one event and another..

Push, Expedite, Hasten, are antonyms of the Lag word.

Lag is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4845
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning