Find Hindi meaning of Lure. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Lure" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Lure" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona type of bait used in fishing or hunting.
Hindi Meaning of Lureप्रलोभन, फुसलाना, लुभाना, लालच देना, बहकाना, आकर्षित करना, जाल में फाँसना
Synonyms of LureAllure, Entice, Ensnare
Antonyms of LureGuide, Instruct, Conduct

Use of "Lure" word in sentences, examples

  • Incentives designed to lure educators from other provinces has hit the federal radar.
  • How big data helps businesses lure more costumers.
  • The state Department of Environmental Conservation is holding off on a proposed ban concerning the use of deer urine lures by hunters.
  • Shamrock Rovers run 'Beast of the East' offer to lure season ticket buyers.
  • The Huntsville Economic Development Commission discusses strategies last Wednesday to try to lure future businesses to town.

Similar words of "Lure"

Enticeलुभाना, फुसलाना, बहकाना, लालच में फँसना, आकर्षित करना, प्रलोभन देना
Repelघृणा करना, विरोध जताना, अलग करना, पीछे हटना

Lure FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Lure is, प्रलोभन, फुसलाना, लुभाना, लालच देना, बहकाना, आकर्षित करना, जाल में फाँसना.

Similar words for Lure are Allure, Entice, Ensnare.

The Definition of Lure is a type of bait used in fishing or hunting..

Guide, Instruct, Conduct, are antonyms of the Lure word.

Lure is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3466
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning