Find Hindi meaning of Limber. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Limber" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Limber" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionwarm up in preparation for exercise or activity
Hindi Meaning of Limberतोप-गाड़ी, फुर्तीला, लचीला, सुनम्य, अनुकूलनीय, कोमल, नरम, लचीला बनाना
Synonyms of LimberAgile, Alert, Deft
Antonyms of LimberRigid, Brittle, Stiff

Use of "Limber" word in sentences, examples

  • Discuss "Melinda and Bennett limber up for ride to cure cancer".
  • He kept his arm limber and his pitching memory sharp by making four Arizona.
  • The world now seems less binary, and the show has grown more limber and less campy.
  • The researchers say the study found mental exercise really does limber up the brain and make it more quick-witted
  • They have a fanning root system that radiates out from the center, and then they're also limber,

Limber FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Limber is, तोप-गाड़ी, फुर्तीला, लचीला, सुनम्य, अनुकूलनीय, कोमल, नरम, लचीला बनाना.

Similar words for Limber are Agile, Alert, Deft.

The Definition of Limber is warm up in preparation for exercise or activity.

Rigid, Brittle, Stiff, are antonyms of the Limber word.

Limber is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2869
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning