Find Hindi meaning of Loathe. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Loathe" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Loathe" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionfeel intense dislike or disgust for.
Hindi Meaning of Loatheनफरत, घृणा, अनिच्छा प्रकट करना, असहमति करना, अस्वीक्रति जताना
Synonyms of LoatheAbominate, Detest, Execrate
Antonyms of LoatheDesire, Long For, Love

Use of "Loathe" word in sentences, examples

  • Americans like Angela Merkel, while Germans loathe Donald Trump.
  • In middle America or on the coasts, most Americans loathe the nation's legislature.
  • The 'Woke' GOP Learns to Loathe the FBI.
  • Drug makers loathe these patent challenges, and more are being filed than ever before.
  • I loathe guns and I loathe war, and there's many reasons.

Similar words of "Loathe"

Abhorघृणा करना, नफरत करना, झिझकना, निन्दा करना, घृणित समझना, नापसंद करना
Adoreपूजा, आराधना, प्यार, आदर करना, श्रद्धा रखना, बहुत पसंद करना, चाहना
Lonबहुत चाहना, बड़ी लालसा रखना, ललकना, तरसना, आकांक्षा, हौंसला रखना

Loathe FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Loathe is, नफरत, घृणा, अनिच्छा प्रकट करना, असहमति करना, अस्वीक्रति जताना.

Similar words for Loathe are Abominate, Detest, Execrate.

The Definition of Loathe is feel intense dislike or disgust for..

Desire, Long For, Love, are antonyms of the Loathe word.

Loathe is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2375
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning