Find Hindi meaning of Partake. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Partake" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Partake" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeverb
Word Definitionto eat or drink something
Hindi Meaning of Partakeसम्मिलित होना, ग्रहण करना, भाग लेना, सहभागी होना, अनुकरण करना
Synonyms of PartakeContribute, Engage, Indulge
Antonyms of PartakeAbstain, Refrain, Distress

Use of "Partake" word in sentences, examples

  • Track athletes partake in first full meet
  • German doctor warns physicians: never again partake in atrocities
  • High school students partake in National School Walkout
  • A fresh set of eyes can change how a community sees itself: Partake in Paducah is proof of that.
  • Record Shops Partake In Record Token Scheme.

Similar words of "Partake"

Refrainकार्य, निर्वत होना, रोकना, स्थाई, सम्भालना, दूर रहना, परहेज करना, आड़े हाथ लेना

Partake FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Partake is, सम्मिलित होना, ग्रहण करना, भाग लेना, सहभागी होना, अनुकरण करना.

Similar words for Partake are Contribute, Engage, Indulge.

The Definition of Partake is to eat or drink something.

Abstain, Refrain, Distress, are antonyms of the Partake word.

Partake is a verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2972
  Post Category :  P Letter Words and Meaning