Find Hindi meaning of Perfidious. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Perfidious" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Perfidious" and improve your vocabulary.

Word Typeadjective
Word Definitiondeceitful and untrustworthy.
Hindi Meaning of Perfidiousदगाबाज, विश्वासघाती, राजद्रोही, निष्ठाहीन, बागी, चली, दगाबाज, कपटी
Synonyms of PerfidiousDisloyal, Faithless, Recreant
Antonyms of PerfidiousFaithful, Trustworthy, Principled

Use of "Perfidious" word in sentences, examples

  • The perfidious power of popularity
  • Ronald Reagan was taken as some type of guidance by the promoters of this perfidious tax.
  • Meanwhile down in Perfidious Albion: still no concrete evidence whatsoever.
  • In as much as we condemn the perfidious act of some group of amnesty beneficiaries.
  • Don't trust perfidious Albion

Similar words of "Perfidious"

Traitorousविश्वघाटी, अविश्वसनीय, झूठा, बेईमान, भक्तिहीन, चली, अधर्मी, कपटी, असावधान

Perfidious FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Perfidious is, दगाबाज, विश्वासघाती, राजद्रोही, निष्ठाहीन, बागी, चली, दगाबाज, कपटी.

Similar words for Perfidious are Disloyal, Faithless, Recreant.

The Definition of Perfidious is deceitful and untrustworthy..

Faithful, Trustworthy, Principled, are antonyms of the Perfidious word.

Perfidious is a adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2508
  Post Category :  P Letter Words and Meaning