Find Hindi meaning of Undermine. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Undermine" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Undermine" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionerode the base or foundation of
Hindi Meaning of Undermineखोखला कर देना, अवमूल्यन करना, सुरंग खोदना, दुर्बल बना देना, कमजोर करना
Synonyms of UndermineAttenuate, Debilitate, Unnerve
Antonyms of UndermineStrengthen, Support, Assist

Use of "Undermine" word in sentences, examples

  • Dovi has always, during my whole career, tried to undermine my morale.
  • Trump administration's newly imposed steel and aluminum tariffs have the potential to undermine future employment growth for the construction sector as firms will be forced
  • Sarasota schools chief blames conflicts on effort to undermine him
  • Describing it as one of the threats that aims to undermine Egypt's stability and contribute in the loss
  • Russia calls UN meeting in effort to undermine UK over nerve agent attack. 

Similar words of "Undermine"

Buoyसम्भालना, उत्साह बदन, तैरते रहना, प्लव, उपल उठाए रखना
Heartenसजीव होना, निवांत कर देना, सचेत करना, उत्साह बढ़ाना, हतोत्साहन, ढाढ़स बँधाना
Undoखोलना, बिगड़ना, अनकिया करना, नष्ट करना, बर्बाद करना, मिटा देना, भंग करना
Upholdजारी करना, समर्थन करना, अनुमोदन करना, सहायता करना, उठाना, थामना, पुष्टि करना

Undermine FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Undermine is, खोखला कर देना, अवमूल्यन करना, सुरंग खोदना, दुर्बल बना देना, कमजोर करना.

Similar words for Undermine are Attenuate, Debilitate, Unnerve.

The Definition of Undermine is erode the base or foundation of.

Strengthen, Support, Assist, are antonyms of the Undermine word.

Undermine is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  5241
  Post Category :  U Letter Words and Meaning