The year 1759 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1759 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1759 in World ⚡

31 MayAll theater programs were banned in the US North Eastern province of Pennsylvania.
31 OctoberThe earthquake in Safed in Palestine killed 100 people.
24 NovemberThe volcano erupted on the Visuvius mountain peak in Italy.
25 NovemberThe devastating earthquake devastated the cities of Beirut and Damascus, killing around forty thousand people.
10 AugustKarlos III became Emperor of Spain.
15 JanuaryThe British Museum was established at Monteguve House in London.
15 JanuaryThe British Museum opened in Montegu House, London after 6 years of development.
28 FebruaryPope Clement XIII allowed the Bible to be translated into various languages.
13 MarchThe percolation passage of the 27th orbiter of Haley's comet was interpreted.
13 AprilFrench defeated European allies in battle of Bergen
31 MayAll theaters in the province of Pennsylvania banned productions.
27 JuneBritish General James Wolfe started the siege of Quebec.
25 JulyDuring the 7 years war, the British captured Fort Niagara from the French.
10 AugustCarlos III became king of Spain.
13 SeptemberThe British defeated the French army on the plains of Abraham.
31 OctoberWhite, hundred killed due to earthquake in Palestine.
29 NovemberDelhi's Emperor Alamgir II murdered
13 DecemberFirst music store opened in the US (Philadelphia).
15 JanuaryThe British Museum in London, today containing one of the largest and most comprehensive collections in the world, opened to the public in Montagu House, Bloomsbury.
31 DecemberIn Dublin, Orthur Guinness signed a 9,000 -year lease at a rate of £ 45 per year and began the construction of James Breviese in Dublin.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1759 in India ⚡

26 JulyFrench and Indian War: 11,000-Manbritish forces near Fort Carillon near Fort Carillon, instead of protecting Ticonerga, New York, French Brigadier General François-Charlas de Borlashatheds removed their troops and tried to blow up the fort.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1759 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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