The year 1705 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1705 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1705 in World ⚡

08 JanuaryGeorge Frederick Handel premiered "Almeira" in Hamburg.
23 AprilRichard Steele premiered "Tender Husband" in London.
05 MayJoseph I. Roman emperor succeeded because of his father.
01 OctoberParliament announced that Rak हंगरीji would be made king after Hungary became independent.
23 NovemberNicholas Rowe's play "Ulysses" premiered in London.
29 DecemberProper Joyot's "Yidomono" premiered in Paris.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1705 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1705 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  10965
  Post Category :  18th Century History