According to Gregory calendar, on December 13, the day number in a year is 347 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 348. December 13 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 13 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1232Iltutmish, the ruler of the slave dynasty, captured Gwalior.
1545The council of Trent's council of Trent, a council of Trent, a ecological council played by Poppall III in response to the development of Protestantism opened in Trent's Bishopic of Trent (now in modern Italy).
1577Sir Francis Drake left Plymouth, England with five ships and 164 men on his world trip.
1636Massachusetts Bay Colony organized three militia units, which is considered to be the establishment of the National Guard of the United States.
1643The first English citizen war-deeds forces to work under Sir William Waller led a successful surprising attack on a winter outpost of the Royalist pedaling and horsemen.
1734Britain and Russia signed trade agreements.
1754Osman III made Mahmud I the Ottoman Empire king (1754–1757).
1758While taking Acadeon from the island of Prince Edward to France, Duke William lost more than 360 people in North Atlantic, one of the largest marine disasters in the history of Canada.
1759First music store opened in the US (Philadelphia).
1769At present, Hannover, New Hampshire, Dartmouth College in the US, was founded by a Royal Charter and became the last university in thirteen colonies before the US revolution.
1774The first incident of the American Revolution occurred.
1774The first incident of the American Revolution - 400 attacks on FT William and Mary in New Hampshire.
1779Alexander, Vicomte de Beauharnais, married Josephine Taser.
1795Wold Newton Ulkami: A meteorite struck Wold Newton, a village in Yorkshire, England.
1843Basutoland was made a British protector.
1884Percy Everitt patented the weighing machine by inserting the coin.
1916An avalanche in Tyrol, Austria killed 10,000 Austrian and Italian soldiers in 24 hours.
1920The League of Nations international court was established in The Hague, Netherlands.
1937The second China-Japanese Battle-Japanese army captured Nanjingchina and then started several atrocities at several places.
1959Arch Vish Vakarios was elected the first President of Cyprus.
1960With the Ethiopia's Emperor Heli Selassi out of the country, four conspirators tried to coup and established Crown Prince Asfow Vosan as the new emperor.
1967King Konstantine II of Greece left the country when his coup attempt failed.
1981Polish Prime Minister Wijhek Jaruzelski declared martial law, suspended solidarity and imprisoned several union leaders.
1989Five Kashmiri militants were released from jail in exchange for the release of the daughter of Home Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed from the clutches of the terrorists.
1989The Tribals-Provisional Irish Republican Army conducted a fierce cedar FIET with Kings on Scottish Borderrs at a vehicle Czechpoint Complex in County Ferranag, Northern Ireland.
1996Kofi Annan was elected Secretary General of the United Nations.
2002The European Union was expanded. Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovakia were included.
2005Three people died and smoke flew into the air due to the collapse of a residential building in New Jersey.
2006According to a survey conducted by the Social Opinion Center of Uzbekistan, 93.7% of the respondents opposed religious fundamentalism and 3.9% said that religious freedom is limited, although only 39.4% said that they have situations that have situations which are "their religious religious Satisfies the requirements. "
2008For the fifth phase of Jammu and Kashmir, 57% polling was held in 11 assembly constituencies.
2008A meeting between the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea took place on the island of Kyoso to withdraw the financial crisis.
2009On the second day of demonstrations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Denmark police have detained 200 protesters for the Copenhagen port and detained 2o protesters.
2010Europe has confirmed its desire to accept the Palestinian kingdom on "appropriate" time, preventing the lack of complete recognition despite increasing pressure to break the Middle East deadlock.
2011According to the researchers, the signs of Higgs Boson can be detected in two different experiments conducted in Large Hadron Collider in CERN.
2011Before committing suicide, a man threw grenade and thrown an automatic rifle in the crowded location St.-Lambert, lease, Belgium, killing 15 people and 125 others injured.
2012Europe will be given more rights to the European Central Bank to administer the Euro Central Banks. This decision was taken by Finance Ministers of the European Union.
2013Google removes a privacy feature from its Android mobile software despite opposition from groups such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
2014Two US soldiers were killed in a Taliban bombing of a NATO convoy in Kabul.

Important Historical Events of 13 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1955The present Defense Minister of India and former Chief Minister of Goa Manohar Parrikar was born.
2000Former captain of the Indian cricket team, Vijay Samuel Hazare became the first person to receive the Castrol Lifetime Achievement Award.
2001The world's largest democracy 'Indian Parliament' was attacked by terrorists at 11.20 am. The terrorists attack on the Indian Parliament killed 15 people, including all terrorists.
2001The Parliament of India was attacked by five gunmen, resulting in 12 deaths, including criminals.
2007Bomb blast on Rajdhani Express near Chungajan in Assam, India, killing 5 passengers.
2014An agreement has been signed between India and Russia regarding infrastructure, nuclear power and defense.

Important Days of 13 December National & International Days 🏁

Maharaj Chhatrasal Paramdham DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 13 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1926Kamal Narain Singh / Lawyer / India
1940Sanjaya Lall / Academic / India
1954Harsh Vardhan / Politician / India
1955Manohar Parrikar / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 13 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 20 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of December