Through this chapter, we will know important and interesting facts related to Elizabeth Blackwel such as his personal information, education and career, achievements and honored awards and many more. Important facts related to Elizabeth Blackwel given in this topic have been collected, which will help you in preparing for competitive exams.

Elizabeth Blackwel Quick General Knowledge

NameElizabeth Blackwel (Elizabeth Blackwel)
Date of Birth03 February 1821
Birth PlaceBristol, England
Date of death31 May 1910
Monther & Father NameHannah (Lane) Blackwell / Samuel Blackwell
Achievement1847 - United States First Lady Doctor
Profession / CountryFemale / Doctor / England

Elizabeth Blackwel - United States First Lady Doctor (1847)

Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to graduate from medical school in the United States. She became a leading public health worker during her lifetime. He played an important role as a social awareness and moral reformer in both the United States and the United Kingdom. For their contribution, every year a woman is given the Elizabeth Blackwell Medal, which contributes significantly to the promotion of women in medicine.

Elizabeth Blackwell was born on 03 February 1821 in Bristol, England. His father's name was Samuel Blackwell and mother's name was Hannah (Lane) Blackwell. His father was a sugar refiner.
Elizabeth Blackwell died on 31 May 1910 (age 89) in Hastings, England. His death in 1907, when he went on holiday in Kilmun, Scotland, he fell down a flight of stairs, and was almost completely mentally and physically disabled. Later at Hastings, Sussex, at his home, he suffered a stroke and left half of his body paralyzed and died.
Blackwell started applying to medical schools. She applied to every medical school, except Geneva Medical College, in which male students voted on Blackwell's approval. In 1847, Blackwell became the first woman to attend medical school in the United States

Elizabeth Blackwell was at first indifferent to a career in medicine but became a school teacher to support her family. This business was suitable for women during the 1800s. Blackwell's interest in medicine arose after a friend fell ill and reported that he was cared for by a female doctor, that he might not have suffered so much. After which Blackwell began applying to medical schools, and in 1847 Blackwell became the first woman to attend medical school in the United States. Blackwell's thesis on typhoid fever was published in the Buffalo Medical Journal in 1849, shortly after it was the first medical article published by a female student in the United States. It portrayed strong advocacy of economic and social justice as well as a strong sense of empathy and vulnerability to human suffering. This perspective was perceived by the medical community as "feminine".

Blackwell, along with her sister Emily, founded the New York Infirmary for Women and Children in 1857 and began lecturing female audiences on the importance of educating girls. She also played an important role in organizing nurses during the American Civil War. In 1853, Blackwell established a small dispensary near Tompkins Square. She served as a preacher in pre-medical studies of Mary Jacrzewska, a Polish woman working in the field of medical education as part of her education. In 1857, Drs. Mary Jacrozewska, along with Blackwell and her sister Emily, also received a medical degree. When the American Civil War broke out, the Blackwell sisters assisted in the nursing efforts.

Blackwell worked closely with the Woman Central Relief Association (WCRA). In 1858, under a clause in the Medical Act 1858, which recognized doctors practicing foreign degrees in Britain before 1858, she became the first woman to register her name in the Medical Register of the General Medical Council (1 January 1859) Was able to She also became the mentor of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson during this time.

In 1973, Elizabeth Blackwell was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. Since 1949, the American Medical Women's Association has annually awarded the Elizabeth Blackwell Medal to a female physician. Hobart and William Smith Colleges presented the annual Elizabeth Blackwell Award to women who have demonstrated "outstanding service to mankind". Elizabeth Blackwell was awarded two institutions in the form of aluminum, the first being Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the current name of Geneva College, the founding institution of Geneva Medical College, and the second at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Syracuse, which acquired Geneva Medical College in 1950. And renamed the State University of New York Upstate Medical University in 1999.

The dinner party features an artwork for Elizabeth Blackwell. In 2013 the University of Bristol launched the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research. On February 3, 2018, Google honored her as a doodle in recognition of her 197th birth anniversary. In May 2018, a memorial plaque was unveiled at the former location of the New York Infirmary for New York Women and Children, which was installed by Elizabeth Blackwell and her sister Emily Blackwell. Hobart and William Smith Colleges erected a statue in their campus in honor of Blackwell.

Elizabeth Blackwel FAQs:

Elizabeth Blackwel is to be known as the United States First Lady Doctor in 1847.

Elizabeth Blackwel died on 31 May 1910.

Elizabeth Blackwel father name was Samuel Blackwell.

Elizabeth Blackwel mother name was Hannah (Lane) Blackwell.

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