February Month 2024 Important Days: In this chapter today we are sharing a month wise chapter of important national and international days dates and days of February month for competitive exams.

Total in the month of February How many days are there?

February is the second month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The month of February has 28 days in common days or 29 days in leap years, the 29th day being called a leap day. It is the first of five months to have fewer than 31 days (the other four being April, June, September, and November) and the only month to have fewer than 30 days. Seven months (January, March, May, May, July, August, October and December) have 31 days, except for the four months already mentioned (April, June, September and November) which have exactly 30 days. This means that the other eleven months have at least 30 days. In which February has the least number of days in the whole year.

Hence, in order to prepare better, it will be necessary for you to remember about the important dates, days and important days of February year 2024. And this chapter will help you to know about the important days of India and the world, both national and international.

Important days of February (8 LESSONS)

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - World Wetlands Day. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about World Wetlands Day.

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - World Cancer Day. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about World Cancer Day.

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - Valentines Day. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about Valentines Day.

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - World Day Of Social Justice. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about World Day Of Social Justice.

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - International Mother Language Day. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about International Mother Language Day.

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - World Thinking Day. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about World Thinking Day.

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - Central Excise Day. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about Central Excise Day.

Here is everything you need to know about the special and important day - National Science Day. Lets learn facts, history, significance and theme about National Science Day.


National Days of India
International Days (Global)
Festivals & Customs
Important Days of January
Important days of February
Important Days of March
Important Days of April
Important Days of May
Important Days of June
Important Days of July
Important Days of August
Important Days of September
Important Days of October
Important Days of November
Important Days of December