The difference between any two concepts, subjects, groups of people, sections, etc. has always been a matter of curiosity for many inquisitive minds. Keeping such an aspect in mind, this article has compiled a comprehensive list of differences between articles on topics such as History, Politics, Geography, various civil service posts and many other diverse topics.

Difference between Bhakti and Sufi movement-

The Bhakti and Sufi movements of medieval India played an important role in creating a composite culture whose legacy can be traced to this day. This is one of the most asked questions in UPSC History section.

Bhakti Movement Sufi Movement
The Bhakti movement largely influenced the Hindus Its followers were predominantly Muslim.
The saints of the Bhakti movement sang hymns to worship the gods and goddesses Sufi saints sang qawwalis - a form of music to inspire religious devotion
The Bhakti movement has its origins in South India in the 8th century. The origins of Sufism can be traced back to the early days of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula of the seventh century.
The Bhakti movement is considered by scholars to be an influential social revival and reform movement in Hinduism. It has been misunderstood as another sect of Islam, but it is a religious order common to any Islamic denomination.
From the point of its origin in South India, the Bhakti movement swept through the East and North India by the 15th century. It spans many continents and cultures.
The Bhakti movement shared the direct emotional and intellect of the divine. Sufism emphasized simplicity and austerity, which found many adherents due to the world of medieval kingdoms and kingdoms.
Kabir Das, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nanak, Mirabai, Hassan of Basra, Amir Khusru, Moinuddin Chishti

Difference Between Axis Powers and Central Powers:

The Axis and Central Powers were two factions that fought against the Allied Powers. The Axis powers fought against the Allies in World War 2 and the Central Powers fought against them in World War 1.

The similarities between them were that they both had expansionist agendas at the expense of other countries and one of the differences between the two is that the Central Powers were enemies of the Allies during World War I, while the Axis Powers were one of the opposition to the other. World War Faction.

Axis Powers Central Powers
The Axis powers were active during World War II (1939–1945) The Central Powers were active during the entire period of World War I. It was dissolved upon its defeat in 1918.
The Axis powers included Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. The Central Powers included Imperial Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
The Axis camp was led by the German Führer Adolf Hitler, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and the Japanese Shwa Emperor Hirohito (although military affairs were headed by General Tozo Hideki). The Central Powers were led by Emperor Wilhelm of Germany, King Franz-Joseph of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Sultan Mehmed V of the Ottoman Empire, and Tsar Ferdinand V of Bulgaria.
The Axis powers were mostly dictatorships, with the exception of Imperial Japan led by Emperor Hirohito. The central powers were all keeping the imperialist agenda in mind
The Axis powers were motivated by territorial expansion at the expense of their neighbors and to ensure that their sphere of influence was protected from the advancement of communism. The Central Powers wanted to preserve their own territorial hegemony while protecting and expanding their interests against other European powers such as the British and French Empire.
Axis' wartime GDP was $911 billion in 1941 The Wartime GDP of the Central Powers in 1914 was $383.9 billion
Dhuri had a population of 258.9 million in 1938 The population of the Central Powers in 1914 was 156.1 million
The Axis powers dominated a large swathe of Western and Central Europe along with much of Southeast Asia during the early stages of World War II (1939–1942). The Central Power took the initiative for most of World War 1, but to no significant gains. His successes were reversed upon entry into the United States in 1918.
The Axis powers will be defeated by the Allies. Italy would surrender for the first time on September 8, 1943. Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945.
After dropping atomic bombs on the twin cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Imperial Japan formally surrendered to the Allies on September 2, 1945.
The following are the dates on which each Central Powers nation has signed the armistice: Bulgaria - 29 September, Ottoman Empire - 30 October, Austria-Hungary - 4 November, Kingdom of Germa - 11 November,

Difference Between Early Vedic Period and Later Vedic Period:

The Vedic Age was an important era in ancient Indian history. Thus, questions from this topic have always been featured in the History section of UPSC Prelims. The Vedic age itself is divided into the Early Vedic period (c.1500 - 1200 BCE) and the later Vedic period (c.1100 - 500 BCE).

The reason for this is that there has been a drastic change in the society since the time the first Vedas were written and the later Vedic scriptures were written.

Early Vedic Period Later Vedic Period
The caste system was flexible and based on profession rather than birth The caste system became more rigid during this period with birth being the main parameter
There was no concept of Shudra or Untouchable The Shudras became a mainstay in the later Vedic period. His only task was to serve the upper castes.
Women were allowed more freedom in this period. They were allowed to participate to a certain extent in the political process of the time. Women were restricted from their participation in society by indulging in subordinate and submissive roles
The kingship was fluid as the kings were held for a fixed period by the local assembly known as committee As society became more urbanized in this period, the need for stable leadership was felt. Thus the absolute rule of kings became more and more prominent.
Early Vedic society was pastoral and semi-nomadic in nature Society became more organized in nature. It became centered around agriculture in general.
In the early Vedic period, the exchange system was more prevalent with transactions of less monetary value being part of the exchange system. Although the barter system was still in vogue, it was largely replaced by gold and silver coins known as krishnals.
Rigveda This text is said to be the oldest text of this period. Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda

Differences and Similarities Between Buddhism and Jainism:

Buddhism and Jainism are ancient religions that developed in the days of ancient India. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha, while Jainism is based on the teachings of Mahavira. In addition, there are many similarities between Buddhism and Jainism based on terminology and ethical principles, but the way they are implemented is different.

Difference between Buddhism and Jainism-

Buddhism Jainism
Reincarnation is one of the major beliefs in Buddhism. It is believed that the endless cycle of birth and rebirth can be broken only by attaining Nirvana (knowledge). Jainism believes that the cycle of rebirth and death due to good or bad deeds will continue till liberation is attained.
The scriptures include the Tripitaka, a vast text consisting of 3 sections: Disciplines, Discourses and Commentaries. Jain religious texts are called Agamas
The major precept of Buddhism is that life is suffering and to avoid suffering (the ultimate cause of desire) one must overcome ignorance by realizing the Four Noble Truths and practice the Eight Paths. Jainism emphasizes on respect for all living beings. Freedom from the cycle of rebirth is achieved by taking the five vows and following the principles of the Three Jewels
Sin is not a concept in Buddhism Sin is defined as harm to others
Buddhism split into two major sects upon the death of Gautama Buddha. They are Mahayana and Theravada Shwetambar and Digambara are the two major sects of Jainism.
According to some texts of Buddhism, there are beings in heaven but they are bound by the "samsara". they are low bu they are suffering, they have not yet attained salvation In Jainism the deities are known as "Titrancanas". But they are not worshiped in the traditional sense because they are considered scholars whose teachings should be followed
Buddhism was founded in modern-day Nepal by Prince Siddhartha in the 6th century BC. Scholars of the religion generally believe that Jainism originated in northern India in the 7th-5th centuries BCE. Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana, was the 24th Tirthankara (spiritual teacher) of Jainism
Followers of Buddhism can be found mainly in Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Japan, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Followers of Jainism are found mainly in India, the lesser Asian subcontinent, and throughout the Americas.

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  Last update :  Thu 1 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  Ancient World History