Who is a historian?

Historian is a person who studies and writes about the past, and is regarded as having authority over it. Historians are concerned with the continuous, systematic narrative and research of past events relating to mankind; The study of all history over time. If the person is concerned with events before written history, then the person is a historian of prehistory.

Some historians are recognized by publications or by training and experience. "Historian" became a commercial occupation in the late nineteenth century as research universities were emerging in Germany and elsewhere. Due to which the historian had assumed a professional form.

What are the objectives of a historian: -

  • The historian should treat the sources with proper reservation.
  • The historian should not dismiss counter evidence without scholarly consideration.
  • The historian should also join the gathering of the evidence and leave the "cherry-picking".
  • The historian should clearly point out any speculation.
  • The historian should not falsify the documents or omit parts of the documents.
  • The historian must weigh the authenticity of all accounts, not those that contradict his or her preferred point of view.
  • The historian must take into account the views of historical actors.

List of famous historians in Indian history:

Name Birth & Death Description
12th century Indian historian
Acharya Hemchandra Born-1088, Died-1173 Acharya Hemachandra was an Indian Jain scholar, poet, and polemicist who wrote on grammar, philosophy, prosody, and contemporary history. Renowned as a prodigy by his contemporaries, he received the title Kalikalasvarajan, "in his time said to be the knower of all knowledge"
Kalhana Twelfth century, - Kalhana, a Kashmiri, was the author of Rajatarangini (River of Kings), an account of the history of Kashmir. He wrote the work in Sanskrit between 1148 and 1149.  All information about his life has been deduced from his own writings, one of the leading scholars of which is Mark Orrell Stein. Robin Donkin has argued that with the exception of Kalhana, "before the thirteenth century, there is no place in Indian literary works with a developed, or indeed much sense of, chronology".
13th century Indian historian
Hasan Nizami -,- Hasan Nizami was a Persian-language poet and historian who lived in the 12th and 13th centuries. He moved from Nishapur to Delhi in India, where he wrote Tajul-Masir, the first official history of the Delhi Sultanate.
14th century Indian historian
Abdul Malik Isami born-1311,- Abdul Malik Isami was a 14th-century Indian historian and court poet. He wrote in Persian, under the patronage of Alauddin Bahman Shah, the founder of the Bahmani Sultanate. He is best known for Futuh-us-Salatin, a poetic history of the Muslim conquest of India.
Ziauddin Barani Born-1285, Died-1357 Ziauddin Barani was a Muslim political thinker from the Delhi Sultanate located in northern India during the reigns of Muhammad bin Tughlaq and Firuz Shah. He was best known for composing the Tarikh-i-Firozshahi, a work on medieval India that covered the first six years of the reign of Firuz Shah Tughluq and the Fatawa-i-Jahandari from the reign of Ghiyas ud-din Balban, who established the Indian subcontinent. had fostered a racial hierarchy among Muslim communities.
15th century Indian historian
Abul Fazl Mamuri -,- Abul Fazl Ma'muri was a historian of the Mughal Empire during the reign of Aurangzeb and author of the Tarikh-i-Aurangzeb, Tarikh-i-Abul Fazl Ma'muri and co-author of the Shahjahannama.
JonRaja -, died-1459 Jonraj was a Kashmiri historian and Sanskrit poet. His Dwitiya Rajataragini is a continuation of Kalhana's Rajataragini and brings the chronology of the kings of Kashmir down to the time of the author's patron Zain-ul-Abidin (1414–1419 and 1420–1470). However, Jonaraja could not complete the patron's history as he died in his 35th year. His disciple Varivara dated the history and his work to the years 1459–86  duration of  continued till  Was. Jonaja in his Dwitiya Rajataragini clearly describes the decline of the Hindu ruling dynasty and the rise of the Muslim ruling dynasty in Kashmir.
Padmanabha -,- Padmanabha was a 15th-century Indian poet and historian. He wrote the famous treatise "Kanhadde Prabandha" in 1455. The work has been praised as the finest work in Old Gujarati or Old Rajasthani, and one of the greatest Indian works written during the medieval period by Muni Jinavijaya, K.M. Munshi, Dashrath Sharma and K.B. Diameter. German Indologist Georg Buhler was the first western scholar to write about this text.
Shrivara -,- Srivara (15th century) wrote a work on the history of Kashmir, which links to the earlier works of Kalhana and Jonaja, providing an update of the history of Kashmir up to 1486 CE.
Yahya bin Ahmad Sirhindi -,- Yahya bin Ahmad Sirhindi was a 15th-century Indian historian who wrote the Persian-language Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi of the Delhi Sultanate. Written during the reign of Mubarak Shah, his work is an important source of information for the Sayyid dynasty.
16th century Indian historian
Abbas Sarwani -,- Abbas Sarwani was a historian during the Mughal period in India. Little is known about his personal life, except that he was a member of the Sarwani Pashtun family. After the expulsion of the Mughal Empire in 1540, during the reign of Shah Sur, the land reverted to Shaykh Ali, father of Abbas. By 1579 the land reverted to the state, leaving Abbas with a job in the hands of Sayyid Hamid. At Akbar's behest, Abbas compiled the Tufa-i Akbar Shahi, better known as the Tahrikh-i Sher Shahi, a biography of Shah Sur, in 1582. The Tahrikh-i Sher Shahi was compiled after the fall of the Sur dynasty with the preconceived notion of raising the Pashtun dynasty due to paucity of facts.
Abu-Fazl ibn Mubarak Born- 1551, Died-1602 Shaykh Abu al-Fazl ibn Mubarak was the great vizier of the Mughal emperor Akbar, and the author of the Akbarnama, the official history of Akbar's reign in three volumes (the third volume is known as the Ain-i-Akbari), and He was a Persian translator of the Bible. He was a member of Akbar's royal court  Navratnas  One of them was also famous as the brother of Emperor Akbar's poet, Faizi.
`Abd al-Qadir Baduni Born-1540, Died-1605 Abdul Qadir Badayuni He translated the Hindu works, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata (Raznam). However, as an orthodox Muslim, he strongly opposed Akbar's reforms, and the elevation of Hindus to high offices. He was also famous for his rivalry with Abu'l-Fazl ibn Mubarak.
Prajna Bhatt - Prajna Bhatta wrote Rajavalipat, which covers the history of Kashmir under the dominion of the Mughal emperor Akbar in 1588.
Gulbadan Begum Born-1523, Died-1603 Gulbadan Begum was a Mughal princess and the daughter of Emperor Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire. He wrote the account of the life of his half-brother, Emperor Humayun, who is known as Humayun-nama, at the request of his nephew, Emperor Akbar.
Nizamuddin Ahmed Born-1551, Died-1621 Khwaja Nizam-ud-Din Ahmad (also known as Nizam ad-Din Ahmad and Nizam al-Din Ahmad) was a Muslim historian of late medieval India. He was the son of Muhammad Mukim-i-Harvi. He was Mir Bakshi of Akbar. He is considered as the historian of Tabaqat-i-Akbari,  Which covers the period from the time of Ghaznavids to the 38th year of Akbar's reign.
17th century Indian historian
angel Born-1560, Died-1620 Firishta full name Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah, was a Mughal historian of Persian origin, the name Firishta means angel or one who is sent in Persian. His work was known variously as the Tarikh-i Farishta and the Gulshan-i Ibrahim.
Inayat Khan Born-1628, Died-1671 Inayat Khan was a historian during the Mughal Empire. He is credited with the work of "Shahjahanama". Known for.
Sheikh Inayat Allah Kamboh Born-1608, Died-1671 Sheikh Inayat Allah Kamboh was a scholar, writer and historian. He was the son of Mir Abdul-Lala, Mushkin Kalam, whose title also describes him as a fine writer. Shah Inayat-Allah Kamboh was the elder brother and tutor of Muhammad Saleh Kamboh, a renowned historian at Shah Jahan's court and tutor to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. His mausoleum is located at Guband Kambohan Wale on Maharani Road near the railway headquarters of Lahore.
Muhammad Saleh Kamboh -, died-1675 Muhammad Saleh Kamboh Lahori was a renowned calligrapher and the official biographer of Emperor Shah Jahan and teacher of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. Although a widely read man, little is known of Muhammad Saleh Kamboh's life other than the works he composed. He was the son of Mir Abdul-Lala, Mushkin Kalam, whose title also describes him as a fine writer. The account of the life and reign of Amal-i-Salih Shah Jahan is written by Muhammad Saleh Kamboh.
Nancy Muhannat Born-1610, Died-1670 Muhannat Nancy is known for his study of the region comprised by the state of Rajasthan in India. His works include Marwar Ra Pargana Ri Vigat and Nancy Ri Khyat. He was the Diwan of Marwar during the reign of Jaswant Singh.
Nimat Allah al-Harwi born-1613, death-1630 Nimat Allah al-Harwi was a peon in the court of the Mughal emperor Jahangir, where he compiled the Makhzan-i-Afghani, a history of the Afghans. Translated copies of it appear as The History of the Afghans. The original material for the book was provided by Haibat Khan of Samana, under whose patronage Nimatullah made the compilation. 1612. The original material was later published separately as Tarikh-i-Khan Jahani Makhjan-i-Afghani. The first part of both the books is the same, but the latter part includes an additional history of Khan Jahan Lodhi.
18th century Indian historian
Kavi Kalanidhi Devarshi Shri Krishna Bhatt Born-1675, Died-1761 The poet Kalanidhi Devarshi Shri Krishna Bhatt was a contemporary of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II of Jaipur, was an 18th-century Sanskrit poet, historian, scholar and grammarian. He was a highly accomplished and distinguished poet in Sanskrit and Brajbhasha in the courts of the kings of Bundi and Jaipur. He belonged to a distinguished Sanskrit family of Vellanadu Brahmins from Andhra Pradesh in South India, who migrated to North India in the 15th century at the invitation of various former princely states. His father's name was Laxman Bhatt.
Ghulam Hussain Salim -, died-1817 Ghulam Hussain Salim was a historian who served as a postmaster in the East India Company serving under George Udni (a commercial resident of the East India Company) in Bengal. At Udni's request, the author composed a history of Bengal titled Riyas al-Salatan.
Muhammad Azam Didamari -, died-1765 Mohammad Azam Dedmari was a Sufi Kashmiri writer of Persian language. His history known as Waqt-i-Kashmir (The Story of Kashmir), written by him as Tarikh-i-Azmi (History by Azam), was published in Persian in 1747. The Urdu translations were published by Munshi Ashraf Ali and Khwaja.
sansam ud daula shah nawaz khan Born-1700 Died-1758 The father-son duo Shah Nawaz Khan and Abdul Hai Khan composed the Ma-Siru-l Umra, a biographical encyclopedia of great men who flourished in India from the time of Akbar the Great to 1155.

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