List of important facts related to human body:

Human Body: The human body is the complete structure of a human organism, consisting of a head, neck, trunk, two arms and two legs. By the time a human becomes an adult, their body is made up of about 50 trillion cells, which are the basic unit of life. The biological organization of these cells ultimately forms the whole body. Chemical level: At the chemical level, the human body is the organizational and functional form of various bio-chemicals, in which the atoms of different elements organize in the form of compounds and conduct biological activities. Among these elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur are the main ones. When two or more atoms come together, they form a molecule, for example, when two oxygen atoms combine, they form an oxygen molecule, which is written as O2. If a molecule contains more than one atom, it is called a compound. Like water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2), carbohydrates, proteins and lipids are also compounds that are important to the human body.

Information about human body and skeleton-

There are a total of 206 bones in the human skeleton, whose classification is given below.

  • 8 bones of the cranium – 1 occipital, 1 frontal, 1 ethmoid, 1 sphenoid, 2 parietal, 2 temporal
  • 14 bones of the face – 1 vomer, 1 mandible, 2 nasal, 2 palatine, 2 maxilla, 2 zygomatic, 2 turbinate, 2 lacrimal
  • 6 bones of ear – 2 malleus, 2 stapes, 2 incus
  • 1 bone of hyd part - 1 hyde
  • 26 bones of vertebral column – 1 caudal vertebra, 1 sacral vertebra, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae
  • 29 bones of the thorax – 1 sternum, 24 ribs, 2 scapula, 2 clavicle
  • 2 bones of the hip – 2 os-enaminates
  • 60 bones of hands (forepad) – 2 humerus, 2 radii, 2 ulna, 10 metacarpals, 16 carpals, 28 phalanges
  • 60 bones of foot (posterior foot) – 2 femur, 2 patella, 4 tibia fibula, 10 meta tarsals, 14 tarsals, 28 phalanges

Human body parts names, numbers and important facts:

Total number of bones 206
Smallest bone Stapes (in the middle ear)
Biggest bone Femur (in thigh)
Total number of vertebrae 33
Total number of muscles 639
longest muscle Sartorias
length of large bowel 1.5 meters
length of small bowel 6.25 m
Liver weight (in men) 1.4 -1.8 kg
Liver weight (in women) 1.2 -1.4 kg
largest gland liver
Maximum regeneration potential In the liver
lowest resorption capacity In the brain
Hardest part of the body Tooth enamel
largest salivary gland Parotid gland
Normal body temperature 98.4*F (37*C)
Blood volume in the body 5.5 liters
Average amount of hemoglobin:
In male 13-16 g/dl
In female 11.5-14 g /dl
Number of WBCs 5000-10000/cu mm
Smallest WBC lymphocyte
Biggest WBC Monocyte
life span of RBCs 120 days
Blood clotting time 2-5 minutes
Omnibus blood group AB
Universal donor blood group O
Normal blood pressure 120/80 Hg
Normal pulse rate
At the time of birth 140 bar-minutes
At 1 year old 120 times-minute
At the age of 10 90 times-minutes
In adult 70 bar-minutes
Heart rate 72 bar-minutes
largest vein Enforeier
largest artery 42-45 cm
Renal weight 42-45 cm
Brain load 42-45 cm
Spinal cord length 42-45 cm

We know essential things about our body, but there are some scientific truths related to the human body, which very few people know. These facts related to the human body will surprise us, let us know, about such important facts, from which a common man remains unaware.

General knowledge related to important facts related to human body:

  • There are 12,00,000 fibers in our 1 eye. If you add blinking time for a lifetime, you will get 1.2 years of darkness. Most of the dust particles present in our homes are from our dead skin.
  • There are so many bacteria in the intestines that removing them can fill a coffee mug.
  • The eye is the only multifocus lens that adjusts in just 2 milliseconds.
  • There are 72 kilometers of nerves in the skin.
  • A person can survive without 75 percent liver, 80 percent intestine and one kidney.
  • If you add blinking time for a lifetime, you will get 1.2 years of darkness. Most of the dust particles present in our homes are from our dead skin.
  • A person can go several weeks without eating food, but only 11 days without sleep.
  • There are 72 feet of nerve fiber in 1 square inch of skin of the hand.
  • The human ear can hear frequencies up to 20,000 Hz.
  • Pain in the body progresses at a speed of 350 feet per second.
  • Adult hair can be pulled up to 25 percent longer than its length.
  • The fingernails of the hand with which you write grow faster.
  • New stomach lining starts forming in the human body in 3-4 days.
  • A newborn baby breathes 60 times in a minute. Teenagers 20 times and youth only sixteen times.
  • When a person sneezes, the velocity of the air coming out is 160 kilometers per hour, which means more speed than an express vehicle.
  • Bones are the most broken due to any accident, but the jaw bone is very strong.
  • She can also bear a weight of about 280 kg.
  • The brain of a healthy young body can generate 20 watts of electricity.
  • When a newborn cries, he does not have tears because by then his lacrimal glands are not developed.
  • We have to use 17 nerves to laugh whereas we have to use 43 nerves to cry.
  • There is also iron in our body so much that even one inch nail can be made from iron obtained from one body.
  • In the body, the useless tail of the appendix vertebrae, the squeezing muscles in the ears, etc. are of no use.
  • The extra air that goes into the stomach while eating, makes that sound by becoming a belching. Many people yawn with a loud voice. When the body does not get full oxygen, then the lack of oxygen in the body is made up by yawning.
  • There is air, water in our stomach, which keep making good sound. It's called Growl.
  • Hiccups are also a body good. In the diaphragm, that is, due to tension in the middle septum, there is a hiccups or there is a muscle that sends the air out of the lungs, when for some reason this process stops, the inner air pushes to come out, then the sound of thumping Comes.
  • There are 206 bones in the body of an adult person while there are 300 bones in the body of a child (because some of them melt and some get mixed together).
  • The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes or stirrup, which is in the middle of the ear and is about 11 inches (.28 cm) in length.
  • Motor neurons are the longest cells in the human body that run from the spinal cord to the ankles of the feet and can be up to 4.5 feet (1.37 m) in length.
  • Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
  • The size of human eyes remains the same from birth to death, while the size of nose and ears are always increasing.
  • A man blinks an average of 62,05,000 times a year.
  • It takes about 12 hours to digest the food eaten.
  • The muscles of the jaws of humans produce 200 lb (90.8 kg) of power in the molars.
  • According to the data obtained so far, the weight of the heaviest human brain is 5 pounds 1.1 ounces. (2.3 kg.) has been found.
  • A normal human walks around the equator five times in his lifetime.
  • Hair and nails continue to grow even after the death of a person.
  • There are nerves (nerves) about 45 miles (72 km) long inside the human skin.

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Human Body Parts FAQs:

Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates in the human body. In humans, the majority of glycogen is stored in skeletal muscles (∼500 g) and liver (100 g).

The respiratory center is located in the medulla oblongata and is involved in minute-to-minute control of breathing. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the respiratory rhythm is not produced by a homogeneous population of pacemaker cells.

The cells of adipose tissue are filled with fat globules. Hence it stores fat. These tissues are found under the skin, around the kidneys and in many internal organs. These tissues act as an insulator against heat.

Oxygen is the most abundant element found in the human body. Oxygen is used in various functional processes of the body, mainly in the process of digesting food.

The largest bone in the human body is the femur, the thigh bone. It is the largest, longest and strongest bone in the human body. Femur extends from knee to hip.

  Last update :  Mon 22 Aug 2022
  Post Views :  11386
  Post Category :  Biological Sciences