List of heads and tenures of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

What is the International Olympic Committee (IOC)?

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is an international non-governmental international organization. Its headquarter is located in Lausanne, Switzerland. As of the year 2019, a total of 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of the world are its members. The IOC is the supreme authority in the modern Olympic Movement.

Brief information about International Olympic Committee (IOC):

Established 1894
Headquarters Lausanne, Switzerland
Type Sports federation
First President Demetrius Vikelas
Current President Thomas Bach
Membership 100 National Members, 33 Honorary Members, 1 Honored Member.

History of the International Olympic Committee (IOC):

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded by Pierre de Coubertin on 23 June 1894. The Greek businessman Demetrius Vikelas became the first president of the IOC. He served in this position for two years (1894–1896). The IOC organizes the modern Olympic Games in the world. The Summer Olympic Games, Winter Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games are organized by this committee every four years. The first Summer Olympics were organized by the IOC in 1896 in Athens, Greece and the first Winter Olympics in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Until 1992, both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games were held in the same year.

Objectives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC):

The main goal of the IOC is to organize the Olympic Games regularly and to promote olympicism and the Olympic movement. Olympicism is a philosophy of life that organizes and develops the qualities of body, will and mind in a balanced way. By linking sport to culture and education, Olympicism seeks to develop a lifestyle that is based on effort, pedagogical values ​​of good example, and joy from universal fundamental ethical principles. The goal of the Olympic Movement is the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding as well as the spirit of friendship, solidarity and honesty, and contribute to the creation of a peaceful and happy world by educating youth through non-discriminatory sports.

President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) 2021:

The current President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is Thomas Bach. He was chosen as the successor to Jacques Jacques Rogge at the 125th session of the IOC held in Buenos Aires on 10 September 2013. The President of the International Olympic Committee is the head of the Executive Board, which is responsible for the administration and management of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC Executive Board consists of the President, 4 Vice-Presidents and 10 other IOC members. Board members are elected at the IOC session by secret ballot.

Honors given by the International Olympic Committee:

In addition to Olympic medals for competitors, the IOC bestows many other honours.

  • The IOC President's Trophy is the highest sporting award given to athletes who have excelled in their sport and built an extraordinary career that has made a lasting impact on their sport.
  • The Pierre de Coubertin Medal is awarded to athletes who display sportsmanship at Olympic events.
  • The Olympic Cup is awarded to institutions or associations with a record of merit and integrity in actively developing the Olympic movement.
  • The Olympic Order is awarded for exceptionally distinguished contributions to individuals of the Olympic Movement to distinguish it from the Olympic Certificate.
  • The Olympic Prize is awarded to individuals for promoting education, culture, development and peace through sport.
  • Olympic city status is given to cities that have been particularly important to the Olympic movement.

List of Presidents of the International Olympic Committee: (1894-2022)

Name Tenure (term)
Pierre de Coubertin (1896–1925)
Henri de Baillet-Latour (1925–1942)
Siegfrid Edström (1942–1952)
Avery Brundage (1952–1972)
Lord Killanin (1972–1980)
Juan Antonio Samaranch (1980–2001)
Jacques Rogge (2001–2013)
Thomas Bach (2013 to present)

Activities of the International Olympic Committee:

Under the supreme authority of the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic Movement consists of organizations, athletes and other individuals who agree to abide by the Olympic Charter. Recognition by the IOC is a criterion for membership in the Olympic Movement. The activity of the Olympic Movement is permanent and universal. On the occasion of the great sports festival, the Olympic Games, when players from all over the world gather on one platform, it is at its peak.

The Olympiad of the Summer Olympic Games takes place during the first year of the Olympiad (duration of four years). The IOC has a monopoly on these games. The IOC determines the city to host the Olympic Games seven years in advance. At least 15 sports must be included in the sports program out of the total Olympic Games (the sports which have been recognized by the International Federation and have been included in the Olympic program by the IOC seven years before the organization of the Olympic Games). Should be.

The Summer Olympic Games include archery, athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, boxing, canoeing, cycling, equestrian sport, fencing, football, gymnastics, handball, hockey, judo, modern pentathlon, yacht Monastery, sail-boating, shooting, softball, swimming (including underwater polo and diving), table tennis, taekwondi, tennis, triathlon, volleyball, weightlifting and wrestling. Winter Olympics include sports played on snow and ice. Since 1992, the Winter and Summer Olympic Games have been held in the same year. The Winter Olympics includes sports such as skating, skating, ice hockey, bobsleigh, luge, culling and biathlon.

The IOC organizes the Olympic Games and the Youth Olympic Games every four years in the summer and winter. The first Summer Olympics were held in 1896 in Athens (Greece), and the first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix (France) in 1924. The first Summer Youth Olympics were held in Singapore in 2010 and the first Winter Youth Olympics in 2012 in Insbook. The total number of IOC members cannot exceed 115. Each member of the IOC may be elected for eight years and may be re-elected one or more times. In February 2013, the IOC decided not to include wrestling in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo (Japan), which was condemned by athletes and wrestling professionals. This decision was later reversed and wrestling was made part of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Olympics and the 2020 Olympics. Last Amendment - 22 January 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who was the first President of the International Olympic Committee? The first president of the International Olympic Committee was Pierre de Coubertin.
  2. How long is the term of the President of the International Olympic Association? The IOC President is elected in session by IOC members by secret ballot. The term of the President is eight years and can be renewed once, for four years.
  3. Where is the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee located? The headquarters of the International Olympic Committee is located in Lausanne, Switzerland.
  4. Who is the current President of International Olympic Committee? The current President of the International Olympic Committee is Thomas Bach.

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