Find Hindi meaning of Abstract. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Abstract" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Abstract" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionan abstract work of art
Hindi Meaning of Abstractभाववाचक, अमूर्त, निराकार, सामान्य, निरपेक्ष, दुर्बोध, अलग करना, संछेप
Synonyms of AbstractHypothetical, Theoretic, Academic
Antonyms of AbstractConcrete, Definite, Factual

Use of "Abstract" word in sentences, examples

  • One cannot abstract religious diversity and politics in the democracy of India.
  • Through SWOT analysis we can abstract the whole research paper.
  • To abstract the real facts from the history for the political benefits will be proven as wrong decision in the future.
  • The abstract of the novel was influenced by author’s social conditions and then political culture
  • Abstract topics are very critical in group discussion; candidates explain the topic from their personal experience without having many facts and figures in hand.
  • 21 amazing photos that make Earth look like abstract art
  • The abstract expressionists were not known for welcoming outsiders.
  • The Federal Circuit noted that the “realm of abstract ideas” includes “collecting information, including when limited to particular content.
  • Music drives mechanical abstract art mayhem
  • NYC's abstract AIDS memorial nears completion in the West Village

Similar words of "Abstract"

Hypotheticalकल्पित, परिकल्पित, गढ़ा हुआ, सैद्धान्तिक, अमूर्त, अनुमानित
Recapitulateसंक्षेप में दोहराना, पुनरावर्ती, पूर्वालोकन, सार, पुनर्कथन करना, पुनरुक्ति
Tangibleवास्तविक, सत्य, स्पर्श योग्य, इन्द्रियगोचर, मूर्त, स्पर्शरेखीये

Abstract FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Abstract is, भाववाचक, अमूर्त, निराकार, सामान्य, निरपेक्ष, दुर्बोध, अलग करना, संछेप.

Similar words for Abstract are Hypothetical, Theoretic, Academic.

The Definition of Abstract is an abstract work of art.

Concrete, Definite, Factual, are antonyms of the Abstract word.

Abstract is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4229
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning