Find Hindi meaning of Adamant. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Adamant" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Adamant" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiona legendary rock
Hindi Meaning of Adamantमणि, वज्र, हीरा, अटल, हठी, हठीला, अड़ियल, जिददी, सख्त, जकड़ा हुआ
Synonyms of AdamantObstinate, Obdurate, Relentless
Antonyms of AdamantCompliant, Flexible, Lax

Use of "Adamant" word in sentences, examples

  • I was adamant about being a super hero
  • I was adamant about being a super hero.
  • NPA welcomes bail ruling, student adamant arrest was sinister.
  • Students are adamant not to leave place.
  • The Bathurst 1000 V8 Supercars winner Will Davison is adamant Jamie Whincup's appeal won't cost him the title. 

Similar words of "Adamant"

Diehardअटल, अविचल, अनवरत, हठीला, अडिग, निर्मम, कटटर, जिद्दी
Grimकठोर, कुरूप, खराब, डरावना, भयंकर, भयानक, मनहूस, सख्त
Implacableअतोष्णीय, कठोर निर्दयी, तंगदिल, कुरूप, खराब, भयानक, भयंकर, सख्त, कठोर
Obdurateढीठ, दुराग्रही, हठी, जिद्दी, हठकारिता, अपश्चाताप, अटल, कठोर
Relentlessकरुणरहित, दयशून्य, अनवरत, कठोर, निर्दयी, निर्मम, अटल, वज्र
Stubbornअड़ियल, जिद्दी, सख्त, हठी, हठीला, अड़ियल, जकड़ा हुआ, कठोर

Adamant FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Adamant is, मणि, वज्र, हीरा, अटल, हठी, हठीला, अड़ियल, जिददी, सख्त, जकड़ा हुआ.

Similar words for Adamant are Obstinate, Obdurate, Relentless.

The Definition of Adamant is a legendary rock.

Compliant, Flexible, Lax , are antonyms of the Adamant word.

Adamant is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4744
  Post Category :  A Letter Words and Meaning