Find Hindi meaning of Chaste. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Chaste" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Chaste" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionnot having any sexual nature or intention
Hindi Meaning of Chasteशालीन, सादा, पतिव्रता, विन्रम, सुशील, पवित्र, लजालू, सदाचारी, दिखावा, रहित
Synonyms of ChasteDecent, Modest, Nice
Antonyms of ChasteCorrupt, Lewd, Wanton

Use of "Chaste" word in sentences, examples

  • It is always possible to observe the commandments, even to be chaste according to their standard of living.
  • The social network and charming country radio DJs with her wholesome and chaste mien.
  • "This gal is terrific, Katherine has the chaste look, the personal purity, that unmarked, fully-fresh persona," he said.
  • Female students have been instructed to wear only sari or churidar and have been discouraged from hairstyles other than the chaste bun.
  • “The rape of a [sex worker] might lack certain circumstances of aggravation commonly associated with the rape of a 'chaste' woman,” it read.

Similar words of "Chaste"

Amativeप्रेमी, कामुक, शृंगारी, शृंगारात्मक, विषयासक्त, प्रणय सम्बन्धी
Bawdyअश्लील, फूहड़, निर्लज्ज, भारी, अप्रिय, भयानक, घ्रणित, अशुद्ध
Hedonistसुखवादी, काफ़िर, रसिया, स्वादलोलुप, भोगवादी,विषयासक्त व्यक्ति, व्यभिचारी
Profligateचरित्रहीन, लम्पट, कुकर्मी, दुष्ट, भरष्ट, आचरणहीन, अपव्ययी, अशांत, बलवाई
Ribaldफूहड़ व्यक्ति, फहस, अश्लील, भद्दा, गन्दा, अशिष्ट, असभ्य
Scurrilousअभद्र, अपमानजनक, फूहड़, बदजुबान, बद्तमीज

Chaste FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Chaste is, शालीन, सादा, पतिव्रता, विन्रम, सुशील, पवित्र, लजालू, सदाचारी, दिखावा, रहित.

Similar words for Chaste are Decent, Modest, Nice.

The Definition of Chaste is not having any sexual nature or intention.

Corrupt, Lewd, Wanton, are antonyms of the Chaste word.

Chaste is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4763
  Post Category :  C Letter Words and Meaning