Find Hindi meaning of Deplore. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Deplore" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Deplore" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionfeel or express strong condemnation of something
Hindi Meaning of Deploreविलाप करना, अफ़सोस करना, दुःख प्रकट करना, दुखी होना, पश्चाताप करना
Synonyms of DeploreReprehend, Reprobate, Rue
Antonyms of DeploreApprove, Rejoice, Revel

Use of "Deplore" word in sentences, examples

  • Meet the Minnesota folk who deplore Donald Trump the human being but feel compelled to vote for him anyway.
  • A few Trump die-hards, but many in GOP deplore remarks
  • What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? When I am hurt, I lock myself in the house and vow never to talk about it.
  • “While we deplore slavery, we deplore the institution of it.
  • And many deplore the partisanship that has overwhelmed the judicial confirmation process over the last few decades.

Similar words of "Deplore"

Approveसहमति देना, अनुमोदित करना, मंजूर करना, स्वीकृत करना, अच्छा समझना, पसंद करना
Denounceधमकाना, निंदा करना, बदनाम करना, दोषारोपण करना, दोषी ठहरना, समझौता निरस्त करना
Rueपछतावा, रंज, शोक, सड़क, बहरी, विलाप,अफ़सोस, शोक, चिंता करना

Deplore FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Deplore is, विलाप करना, अफ़सोस करना, दुःख प्रकट करना, दुखी होना, पश्चाताप करना.

Similar words for Deplore are Reprehend, Reprobate, Rue.

The Definition of Deplore is feel or express strong condemnation of something.

Approve, Rejoice, Revel, are antonyms of the Deplore word.

Deplore is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2264
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning