Find Hindi meaning of Diplomatic. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Diplomatic" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Diplomatic" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionof or concerning diplomacy.
Hindi Meaning of Diplomaticकूटनीतिक, राजनयिक, व्यवहारकुशल, कौशल -सम्बन्धी, नीति-सम्बन्धी, कूटनीति विषयक
Synonyms of DiplomaticDiscreet, Sensitive, Tactful
Antonyms of DiplomaticArtless, Tactless, Boorish

Use of "Diplomatic" word in sentences, examples

  • Delhi Police let off the arrested Pakistani spy Mehmood Akhtar after he invoked his diplomatic immunity during interrogation. 
  • Iran welcomes EU's plan of enhanced diplomatic relations
  • "I just want to press -- would you break off diplomatic relations, though, on day one?" CBS4's Jim Defede asked Trump. 
  • Duterte's diplomatic re-calibration has become quite clear. He has opted for an independent foreign policy.
  • “Bilateral diplomacy between India and Pakistan cannot be avoided. 

Diplomatic FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Diplomatic is, कूटनीतिक, राजनयिक, व्यवहारकुशल, कौशल -सम्बन्धी, नीति-सम्बन्धी, कूटनीति विषयक .

Similar words for Diplomatic are Discreet, Sensitive, Tactful.

The Definition of Diplomatic is of or concerning diplomacy..

Artless, Tactless, Boorish, are antonyms of the Diplomatic word.

Diplomatic is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2825
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning