Find Hindi meaning of Disguise. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Disguise" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Disguise" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeVerb
Word Definitionmake someone unrecognizable by altering its appearance
Hindi Meaning of Disguiseवेश बदलना, स्वांग रचना, मतवाला करना, छिपाना, छद्मवेशी, पर्दा डालना
Synonyms of DisguiseCloak, Facade, Pretense
Antonyms of DisguiseHonesty, Truth, Openness

Use of "Disguise" word in sentences, examples

  • Aldi has mastered the phantom product, even though customers know it's not a brand in disguise.
  • Often unbeknownst to them, they unconsciously wear a disguise that's burying their true gift: their “love-worth.”
  • Nathan Carter ditched the stage and disguised himself as a hairy busker to sing outside his own concert. 
  • "I was gutted when I heard the news Jack and Anthony had been injured, but at the same time it's a blessing in disguise," Rokoduguni said.
  • Turns out the average person is very susceptible to being fooled by the mustache-wig combination disguise. 

Similar words of "Disguise"

Camouflageतोप आदि को छिपाना, रूप बदलना, स्वांग करना, वेश बदलना
Veneerमुलम्मा, सजावटी परत, छद्मवेश, ऊपरी तेह चढ़ाना, रूपरंग, बहाना, वेश

Disguise FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Disguise is, वेश बदलना, स्वांग रचना, मतवाला करना, छिपाना, छद्मवेशी, पर्दा डालना.

Similar words for Disguise are Cloak, Facade, Pretense.

The Definition of Disguise is make someone unrecognizable by altering its appearance.

Honesty, Truth, Openness, are antonyms of the Disguise word.

Disguise is a Verb word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3871
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning