Find Hindi meaning of Dour. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Dour" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Dour" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitiongloomy in manner or appearance
Hindi Meaning of Dourकठोर, रुखा, शीतल, सूना, उजाड़, उदास, निर्जन, सुनसान, अकेला, जनशून्य
Synonyms of DourAustere, Bleak, Harsh
Antonyms of DourBright, Appealing, Cheerful

Use of "Dour" word in sentences, examples

  • Thiago Silva, left, was impressive and showed a welcome return to form, despite PSG's dour draw.
  • Norilsk takes $500m in landmark loan though ratings outlook dour.
  • Chinese trade data for September was surprisingly dour.
  • In the paintings of James Ensor, life is dour and murky while death is a riot of colour and expressive brush-strokes.
  • It's not that Frank is a dour socialist who wants to completely level the playing field. Let the rich have their baubles, he said.

Similar words of "Dour"

Austereरुखा, सख्त, आडम्बरहीन, कटटर, कठिन, करकर, कठोर, तीक्ष्ण, सीधा-सादा
Starkबिल्कुल भिन्न, वास्तविक किन्तु अप्रिय, कठोर, केवल, कड़ा, नितान्त, पक्का, पूरा, सब
Sulkyनाराज़, मंद गति, मनहूस, रुष्ट, धीमा, सुस्त, आलसी, अक्रियशील, ढीला, निस्तेज

Dour FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Dour is, कठोर, रुखा, शीतल, सूना, उजाड़, उदास, निर्जन, सुनसान, अकेला, जनशून्य.

Similar words for Dour are Austere, Bleak, Harsh.

The Definition of Dour is gloomy in manner or appearance.

Bright, Appealing, Cheerful, are antonyms of the Dour word.

Dour is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2907
  Post Category :  D Letter Words and Meaning