Find Hindi meaning of Halcyon. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Halcyon" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Halcyon" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitiondonating a time in past
Hindi Meaning of Halcyonखुशगवार, शांत, कोमल, नरम, मुलायम, संतोषी, स्वस्थ, शिष्ट, सहज, सरल
Synonyms of HalcyonCalm, Placid, Serene
Antonyms of HalcyonInauspicious, Inopportune, Ominous

Use of "Halcyon" word in sentences, examples

  • How could I forget my halcyon days; days of excitements; and days of thrilling, I thought sadly.
  • The Halcyon Days of the Eighties.
  • Whale-Mart has grown so big that now it rules the planet, in a benevolent, halcyon world of production and consumption.
  • One of the Englishmen might have been Joe Orton who, along with other writers and actors was wont to enjoy the fleshpots of Tangiers in the halcyon days before his murder.
  • We are still the same men who fought the world all those years ago, we have seen many things change since those halcyon days when we ruled most of Europe and most of those things have changed for the worse.

Halcyon FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Halcyon is, खुशगवार, शांत, कोमल, नरम, मुलायम, संतोषी, स्वस्थ, शिष्ट, सहज, सरल.

Similar words for Halcyon are Calm, Placid, Serene.

The Definition of Halcyon is donating a time in past.

Inauspicious, Inopportune, Ominous, are antonyms of the Halcyon word.

Halcyon is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  4004
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning