Find Hindi meaning of Hovel. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Hovel" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Hovel" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word DefinitionHovel
Hindi Meaning of Hovelकुटी, झोपडी, कुतिया, छप्पर, ओसारी, कंद्र, झुग्गी, कोठरी, कमरा
Synonyms of HovelHole, Hut, Shanty
Antonyms of HovelDosure, Soiid, Cover

Use of "Hovel" word in sentences, examples

  • The only structure that survives this watery end is a hovel belonging to a poor couple who shared their ale and oatcakes with him.”
  • The alcoholic parents of the children, aged just three and six, were convicted of neglect in 2015 after police uncovered the faeces-littered hovel.
  • “You are never going to work your best if you are in a hovel,” she explains.
  • Hillary eventually emerged from her healthcare reform hovel to pitch the plan in a public tour of the nation. 
  • There were no fire doors, smoke detectors or alarms in the dangerous hovel, which only had one kitchen to cater to all the residents.

Hovel FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Hovel is, कुटी, झोपडी, कुतिया, छप्पर, ओसारी, कंद्र, झुग्गी, कोठरी, कमरा.

Similar words for Hovel are Hole, Hut, Shanty.

The Definition of Hovel is Hovel.

Dosure, Soiid, Cover, are antonyms of the Hovel word.

Hovel is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3421
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning