Find Hindi meaning of Humbug. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Humbug" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Humbug" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionfalse talk
Hindi Meaning of Humbugछल-कपट, धोखा, धोकेबाज, पाखण्ड, बकवास, गड़बड़ करने वाला
Synonyms of HumbugCharlatan, Fake, Fraud
Antonyms of HumbugGenuine, Truthful, Original

Use of "Humbug" word in sentences, examples

  • Churchill was still far from sympathetic, calling Gandhi an "old humbug" and a "rascal".
  • It has been established ad nauseam that these allegations are just a humbug that is raised only to take mileage against political adversaries.
  • It isn't so much a case of bah humbug as bald incomprehension.
  • In an ideal world fashion humbugs would be able to rise above season dressing and take a wholly lateral approach.
  • But we say bah humbug to this – porridge for breakfast is so last Thursday.

Similar words of "Humbug"

Charlatanकपटी, चालक, नीम-हाकिम, कौशल, सुगमता, सरलता, सुविधा, तेज़ी, होशियारी

Humbug FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Humbug is, छल-कपट, धोखा, धोकेबाज, पाखण्ड, बकवास, गड़बड़ करने वाला.

Similar words for Humbug are Charlatan, Fake, Fraud.

The Definition of Humbug is false talk.

Genuine, Truthful, Original, are antonyms of the Humbug word.

Humbug is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2976
  Post Category :  H Letter Words and Meaning