Find Hindi meaning of Lassitude. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Lassitude" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Lassitude" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitionlack of energy.
Hindi Meaning of Lassitudeथकान, मंदता, सुस्ती, आलस्य, गफलत, नींद, ढिलाई, निष्क्रियता
Synonyms of LassitudeLanguor, Lethargy, Listlessness
Antonyms of LassitudeRevival, Relaxation, Cheer

Use of "Lassitude" word in sentences, examples

  • Following last week's lassitude, things are hotting up in the anime kitchen.
  • There then descends upon you a blanket of such weariness, lassitude, depression, helplessness and hopelessness
  • There was a certain lassitudeabout proceedings.
  • In August, “the month of lassitude” when the hunger games begin, he watches seven buzzards gobbling worms that had risen to the surface after rain.
  • When you're in a state of total lassitude, you realise that one of life's greatest gifts is energy.

Similar words of "Lassitude"

Apathyउदासीनता, निर्जनता, बेपरवाही, अनुरागहीनता, संवेनहीनता, सुन्नता, विरक्ति, उपेक्षा
Torporसुस्ती, धुंधलापन, निरुत्साहता, निरस्त, भोथरापन, मंदता, जड़ता

Lassitude FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Lassitude is, थकान, मंदता, सुस्ती, आलस्य, गफलत, नींद, ढिलाई, निष्क्रियता.

Similar words for Lassitude are Languor, Lethargy, Listlessness.

The Definition of Lassitude is lack of energy..

Revival, Relaxation, Cheer, are antonyms of the Lassitude word.

Lassitude is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  2906
  Post Category :  L Letter Words and Meaning