Find Hindi meaning of Tyrannical. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Tyrannical" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Tyrannical" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitionexercising power in a cruel
Hindi Meaning of Tyrannicalनिर्दयी, अत्याचारपूर्ण, अत्याचारी, अन्यायी, दमनकारी, निरंकुश, तानाशाही
Synonyms of TyrannicalAutocratic, Despotic, Arbitrary
Antonyms of TyrannicalSubmissive, Democratic, Docile

Use of "Tyrannical" word in sentences, examples

  • Keeping up its attack on Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, the Bharatiya Janata Party termed his tenure as 'tyrannical'.
  • If the writer relies on the Second Amendment to justify owning military weapons as a protection against government tyranny
  • Illegal and violent abduction, torture and chemical poisoning by the tyrannical Jubilee regim
  • Pay attention everybody! This is how local governments become tyrannical governments
  • Americans in the event our government became tyrannical and indifferent to the needs of the people.

Tyrannical FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Tyrannical is, निर्दयी, अत्याचारपूर्ण, अत्याचारी, अन्यायी, दमनकारी, निरंकुश, तानाशाही.

Similar words for Tyrannical are Autocratic, Despotic, Arbitrary.

The Definition of Tyrannical is exercising power in a cruel.

Submissive, Democratic, Docile, are antonyms of the Tyrannical word.

Tyrannical is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3086
  Post Category :  T Letter Words and Meaning