Find Hindi meaning of Turbid. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Turbid" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Turbid" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeAdjective
Word Definitioncloudy, opaque, or thick
Hindi Meaning of Turbidगन्दा, पंकित, धुंधला, मटमैला, कीचड़युक्त, दलदली, गंदला
Synonyms of TurbidMuddy, Murky, Rolled
Antonyms of TurbidClear, Sunny, Bright

Use of "Turbid" word in sentences, examples

  • Ambikanagar received turbid water and in the following days 20 persons reported gastric problems
  • If the main pipeline was carrying contaminated water, then the entire city would have received turbid water
  • Sunshine Week is turbid under President Trump
  • Crystal River and pumped turbid water into King's Bay
  • Halfman has determined the lake is becoming more turbid, and if that continues it will become eutrophic

Similar words of "Turbid"

Lucidचमकीला, साफ़, सुबोध, स्पष्ट, स्वच्छ, पारदर्शक, निर्मल, साफ़
Muddyमटमैला, दलदली, गन्दा, दलदला, कीचडवाला
Perplexedहैरान, चकित, अचम्भित, आश्चर्यचकित, व्याकुल, संभ्रमित, पशोपेश में होना

Turbid FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Turbid is, गन्दा, पंकित, धुंधला, मटमैला, कीचड़युक्त, दलदली, गंदला.

Similar words for Turbid are Muddy, Murky, Rolled.

The Definition of Turbid is cloudy, opaque, or thick.

Clear, Sunny, Bright, are antonyms of the Turbid word.

Turbid is a Adjective word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  3015
  Post Category :  T Letter Words and Meaning