Find Hindi meaning of Vehemence. Build English vocabulary online and learn similar words, opposite words and uses of "Vehemence" in sentences with examples. Know more about the word "Vehemence" and improve your vocabulary.

Word TypeNoun
Word Definitiongreat forcefulness or intensity of feeling
Hindi Meaning of Vehemenceउग्रता, तीव्रता, प्रचण्डता, तेज़ी, शक्ति, जोर, प्रभाव, महत्व, बल, असर
Synonyms of VehemenceFerocity, Fury, Intensity
Antonyms of VehemenceFrigidity, Coldness, Apathy

Use of "Vehemence" word in sentences, examples

  • He didn't quite expect the vehemence of emotions that followed the release.
  • She brings vehemence to the world-weary title track
  • Radio talk shows and social media the offenders were lambasted with a vehemence unusual for even those forums.
  • As he neared the goal, he spotted an opening the far post with the corner of his eye and shot the ball towards it with vehemence.
  • Instead of apologizing when they're caught in lies or ethical lapses, politicians assert their correctness or innocence with even more vehemence.

Vehemence FAQs:

The Hindi meaning of Vehemence is, उग्रता, तीव्रता, प्रचण्डता, तेज़ी, शक्ति, जोर, प्रभाव, महत्व, बल, असर.

Similar words for Vehemence are Ferocity, Fury, Intensity.

The Definition of Vehemence is great forcefulness or intensity of feeling.

Frigidity, Coldness, Apathy, are antonyms of the Vehemence word.

Vehemence is a Noun word.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  1732
  Post Category :  V Letter Words and Meaning