According to Gregory calendar, on November 23, the day number in a year is 328 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 329. November 23 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 23 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1165Pope Alexander III returned to Rome after exile.
1499During the reign of King Henry VII, Perkin Warbeck, a playwright of the British throne, was hanged after an attempt to tossesk from the Tower in London.
1705Nicholas Rowe's play "Ulysses" premiered in London.
1723The province of Carolina was incorporated into New Bern as New Bern (later became the capital of North Carolina).
1733African slaves rebelled their owners from Akwamu in the West Indies of Denmark, one of them infiltrates the first and longest slave to the US.
1808Battle of Tudela: French Marshal Lens defeated a Spanish army.
1810English actress Sarah Booth began her Hollywood career at the Theater Royal, Covent Garden.
1848The Women's Medical Educational Society was established in Boston.
1863Patents were granted for the first time to create a color photo process.
1867Manchester Shaheed was hanged in Manchester, England, forcing a police officer to help two Irish nationalists to escape police custody.
1876Porfirio Díaz was made President of Mexico.
1876William 'Boss' tweed, a politician from the city of New York, who was arrested for embezzlement, was handed over to the US authorities until he fled from jail from Spain.
1890King William III of the Netherlands died.
1890The first general election was held in Italy.
1892Belgium defeated Arabia in the Battle of Lomani Congo. About 3000 people died in the war.
1909The Wright brothers set up the company with the capital of $ 1 million to produce the aircraft.
1924Edwin Hubble published evidence in a newspaper that Andromeda Nebula, which was previously considered part of Milky Way, is actually another galaxy, one of many in the universe.
1927The company named Automated Musical Instruments produced the first juke box.
1934An Anglo-Ethiopian border commission in Ogdenken faced a garesis of Somalis at Italian service in Walwal, which was responsible for the abyssinia crisis.
1937The country's renowned physicist, biologist and archaeologist Jagdishchandra Basu died.
19466000 people were killed in a fierce fire in a French naval ship in the city of Haiphyong, Vietnam.
1963The first episode of Doctor Hu, which was the world's longest fiction television show, was aired on BBC television, starring William Hartnel as the first avatar of the title role.
1971China became a member of the UN Security Council.
19802600 people died due to earthquake in Italy.
1983The Commonwealth Summit was held in New Delhi for the first time in the country.
1984Around 1000 people were trapped in a fire at London's busiest Oxford Circus station.
1992IBM introduced Simon, a handheld, touchscreen mobile phone and PDA, which is considered the first smartphone.
2005An explosion in a chemical factory on the Songhua River in Northeast China leads to a high level of poisonous benzene in the river water.
2005Ellen Johnson Sarlif won the Liberian general election, making her the first democratically elected woman head in Africa.
2006Alexander Litwinnco, who was poisoned in London at the end of last week, died. He had to suffer a heart failure on a ventilator earlier.
2007An Israeli psychiatrist and the Reserve Officer have been accused of providing classified information to Russia, Hamas and Iran.
2008According to human rights activists and opposition politicians, Russia's Southern Republic of Ingushetia now has a situation of civil war.
2009The family of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was accidentally shot by the Metropolitan Police in London in 2005, reached a compensation deal with the police, resolved "all litigation" between them.
2009The governor of the Maghindanao, the Philippines was attacked by supporters of his opponent to the crowd of people to record the candidature of Ismail Mangudatu in the upcoming election, resulting in at least 57 people.
2009Innocent-innocent 32 media persons were executed in the Philippines.
2010Qantas announced that his fleet of Airbus A380 Super Jambose would start coming back in service on Saturday.
2010In response to the artillery exercises conducted near the border two countries, North Korea bombed the island of YonionPyong, killing four Korean soldiers and injuring 19 others.
2011The European Space Agency has claimed that two days after the shutdown of the window of the spacecraft for the launch of Mars, Russia's stranded Phobos-Gront probe has been created.
2011Following 11 months of protests in Arab Spring-Yaman, Yamnipressidant Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed to transfer power to Vice President Rabbu Mansoor Hadi.
2012Opposition leaders in Egypt called for major objections after Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi passed the decision to give himself a wide new powers. There are demonstrations against and against his decision in Cairo and violence in Egypt has increased.
2013The Syrian government killed 40 people in air strikes around the Northern Syrian city of Aleppo.
2014Kenyan security forces crossed Somalia and killed 100 members of Al-Shabab in response to the kidnapping of the terrorist group and the murder of 28 people.

Important Historical Events of 23 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1955In the Indian Ocean, Kokos Islands were transferred from British to Australian control.
1967Former South African batsman Gary Kirsten was born. The Indian team won the World Cup in 2011 under his coaching.
1996The Ethiopian Airlines flight 961 was kidnapped, then crashed into the Indian Ocean near Comoros after exiting the fuel, killing 125 ofthe 175 people.

Famous People's Birthdays on 23 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1901Nabakrushna Choudhuri / Politician / India
1926Sathya Sai Baba / Philosopher / India
1930Geeta Dutt / Actress / India
1950Nrisingha Prasad Bhaduri / Author / India
1984Amruta Khanvilkar / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 23 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 18 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  13547
  Post Category :  History of November