According to Gregory calendar, on December 29, the day number in a year is 363 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 364. December 29 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 29 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1170Thomas Backet, Archbishop of Cantorbury, was killed in his own cathedral by four knights of England's Henry II.
1530Humayun, son of Mughal emperor Babur succeeded him.
1705Proper Joyot's "Yidomono" premiered in Paris.
1778British troops captured Savannah, Georgia.
1779American revolutionary war-British soldiers captured Savanna, Georgia under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Archball Campbell.
1813In the War of 1812, British soldiers burned buffaloes in New York.
1835The United States signed the Treaty of New Ekota with a minority Cherokee faction of leaders, which became a legal basis for extracting tears, known as the Trail of Tears.
1845Texas became the 28th state of the US.
1858The Northern Railway Company was established in Madrid, Spain.
1860To compete with the French Navy's La Glair, the world's first Pironclad warship, the British Royal Navy launched the world's first threaded armored warship, HMS Warrier.
1890The United States army killed more than 150 members of the Great Syx nation in the wounded knee massacre.
1891Physical education teacher James Nismith introduced a game with thirteen rules and nine players on each player in Massachusetts' inprombield, which he called 'Basket Ball'.
1911Sun Yat Sen was declared President of the new Republic of China. The general public and communist activists in China consider him the father of the Republic of China.
1911Sun Yat-Sen was elected to Nanjing as the provisional President of the Republic of China.
1937The Constitution of Ireland, today known as the Republic of Ireland, came into force the founder of Thestate.
1942The first superstar of Bollywood was born Rajesh Khanna.
1949Industries were nationalized in the European country Hungary.
1972101 people died in the crash of the Eastern Tristar Jumbo jet aircraft near the Everglades in the US state of Florida.
1972While the crew of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 was busy solving an instrumentation problem, the aircraft died 101 people, crashed into Florella Everglades.
1975The law of equal rights for women and men came into force in Britain.
1977The world's largest open air theater opened in 'drive Bombay (now Mumbai).
1988The Victorian Post Office Museum in Australia closed.
1992Brazilian President Fernando Kolar de Melo resigned to stop the impeachment proceedings, but the Brazilian Senate found him guilty anyway.
1997To prevent the spread of the H5N1 flu virus, the Hong Kong government killed 1.3 million chickens.
2008Renowned painter Manjit Baba died.
2010In Beijing, the minimum wage increased by 20%, in the second time in six months.
2010A prisoner of the last death line in Cuba sentenced his death to his death; The nation is against the death penalty and has been sentenced to death since 2008.
2011New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reports that the National September 11 museum will not open on time.
2011Poland announced that it would forgive illegal migrants from January 1, 2012.
2012In Pakistan, 21 security personnel were killed in an attack by terrorists near Peshawar.
2012Former United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher left the hospital after a minor surgery to remove a tumor.
2012The French Constitutional Council attacked the plan to implement a 75 percent marginal income tax rate on the rich, describing the 'Supertex ' as unconstitutional and inappropriate.
2013The Soyuz-2–1 V Russian rocket was successfully launched by Russia's Ministry of Defense.
2013Administrative officials claim that Obamacare is now more than 1.1 million Americans enrolled.
2014Rescuers continue the discovery of the missing AirAsia Flight 8501, which disappeared from Indonesia to Singapore on 28 December; The aircraft took 162 people.
2014Scottish health officials reported the first case of Ebola after diagnosing a health care worker returning from Sierra Leone; The worker did not reveal the symptoms until he reached Scotland and is currently in a stable position.

Important Historical Events of 29 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1884Vyomesh Chandra Banerjee, the first president of the Indian National Congress, was born in Kidderpore, Calcutta (now Kolkata).
1917Ramanand Sagar, the famous Indian film director and producer of the famous serial 'Ramayana', was born.
1930Muhammad Iqbal presented a two-nation theory outline for the creation of an independent state for Muslims and majority in northwest British India.
1984The Congress won the parliamentary election with the largest majority in the history of independent India. Telugu Desam emerged as the largest opposition party by winning 28 seats in this election.

Important Days of 29 December National & International Days 🏁

Sumitranandan Pant Memorial DayNational Day
Mongolia Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 29 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1844Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee / Politician / India
1844Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee / Lawyer / India
1904Kuvempu / Poet / India
1917Ramanand Sagar / Producer / India
1942Rajesh Khanna / Actor / India
1974Twinkle Khanna / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 29 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  21215
  Post Category :  History of December