The year 1778 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1778 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1778 in World ⚡

03 JulyPersia declared war against Argentina.
11 AugustGerman teacher Friedrich Ludwig, who laid the foundation of gymnastics in the world, was born.
18 JanuaryJames Cook became the first European to discover the 'Hawaiian Archipelago'. He named it 'Sandwich Island'.
06 FebruaryFrance recognized America as a nation.
18 JanuaryCaptain James Cook arrived on the Sandwich Islands.
06 FebruaryFrance declared war on France.
30 MarchPlaywright Voltaire crowned with laurel wreath.
01 AprilNew Orleans businessman Oliver Pollock embodies the "$ ".
01 MayAmerican Revolution: The Battle of the Crooked Billet began in Hetborough, Pennsylvania.
24 JuneDavid Rittenhouse took a total solar eclipse in Philadelphia.
03 JulyPrussia declared war against Austria.
29 DecemberBritish troops captured Savannah, Georgia.
18 JanuaryEnglish explorer James Cook became the first known European to reach the Sandwich Islands, now known as the Hawaiian Islands.
06 FebruaryFrance and the United States signed the Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, establishing military and commercial ties respectively between the two nations.
03 JulyAmerican revolutionary War-Lylists and Iroxyvis killed more than 300 patriots in the Wioms battle in Pennsylvania.
07 SeptemberAmerican Revolutionary War: France invaded the island of Dominica and later captured the British Fort, even known that France entered the war as an ally of the United States.
11 NovemberThe American revolutionary war-British army and their armymen attacked a fort in New York and the village in the Cherry Valley, killing 14 soldiers and 30 civilians.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1778 in India ⚡

17 SeptemberThe first Fort Pitt treaty was signed between the US and Indian tribes.
31 AugustDuring the British Revolution, 17 Sharebridge Indians were killed in the British Bronx.
17 SeptemberFort Pitt) was the first treaty signed between the US and Indian tribes.
11 NovemberIroquois Indians killed 40 people in the Cherry Valley Massacre in New York.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1778 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  18th Century History